Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Solar Time


Finished another book tonight-- the first Jane Austen mystery. (Good ending!) Before I start another one, I need to finish Will in the World and The Songlines. That will just leave the last chapter of Rosa's collected Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (which I hate to finish because it's so much fun) and a Gladstone compilation of some of Rosa's other Duck stuff.

I worked out menus for next week, but my will to get out to shop was undermined by Bill's picking up a paper while going out to pick up some of his watches at House of Time. (They needed obscure and complicated batteries.) He also got exsanguinated-- he gave blood. Local supplies are depleted because they sent aid to Alabama tornado victims. He's such a good citizen.

I needed to use an 8 oz. package of sliced mushrooms, so made a saute with frozen shrimp and chopped onions in a olive oil, butter, lemon juice and white wine sauce. An avocado about to expire got sliced with tangelo sections, also on the edge. Leftover broccoli and cauliflower pieces were tossed with basalmic vinaigrette. Pretty good from a food management standpoint, and not bad from the eating standpoint either.

The time change shouldn't be any problem for you, Mom, except maybe TV shows. TiVo is so messed up now that I have nothing scheduled. Don't care about email date stamps either, so will just let them be off for two weeks. Bill helped me update my cell phone, and he always does all the clocks. The only thing I'll find annoying (aside from the whole business-- I'd much rather be on Solar Time the year round, but that's another rant) is that I'm planning to go into the Library Wednesday, and it will have to be an hour earlier than it should be. @#$%$

Ah well. This is the first time I'll get to appreciate the kinder, gentler change that escaping the lockstep tyranny of the clockwork clampdown makes possible. What a horrible sentence! The longer I worked on it, the worse it got. Boils down to: Yippee! I'm retired, so who cares what the clock says! The Sun and I will go on as usual. The rainbows will spin around my study at their appointed morning hour (I have a crystal hanging in an east-facing window) according to the season. Equinox will arrive on schedule. All is right with Earth-Sun geometry.

This is such an obtuse post, I wonder if even I will be able to decode it in a week's time.


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