Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pig Dispatch


An Adventure it was. Of course, a sacrifice was required: as I was arranging the unwieldy bag of brined roast in the fridge, I knocked out and broke one one the beautiful Crate & Barrel storage dishes Sandy gave me. It couldn't be one filled with stuff ready to toss, oh no: it was the tuna piccata salad from that night. What fun cleaning up greasy glass in the middle of the night.

It came out well, though. It was exceptionally juicy-- my pork roasts are always dismally dry, even when they taste good, so this was a plus. Also, I could actually slice it-- usually they just fall apart. Oh yeah, and it tasted great. On the down side, it didn't get completely cooked on the bottom center part. I think maybe if I turned it over midway through cooking it would help. Sandy, did yours cook all the way through? I will try the recipe for Cuban sandwiches with the leftovers (if I can find a brick), and do the rest in a recipe we love, a kind of tangy vaca frita.

Had steamed asparagus with a lemon butter sauce and leftover butternut squash mashed up and seasoned with salt, pepper, a bit of nutmeg and some butter. Good.

I blessed the house today (well, at least the floors and the rugs), did a load of laundry and continued chipping away at the pantry closet. Cleaned off the surface of the shelf I'd cleared, put a few things up there from the overflow corner by the table, and started on the top shelf-- the Hurricane Food. Big cans of basic food items that we stocked on year when it looked like we might have Doug and family as refugees. IOW, everything at least 10 years old. Sigh. I need to do some research on shelf life for canned goods. I did open and toss half a dozen bottles and cans. It's a start. If I do a bit each day, I'll eventually regain control of that space.

I don't know what to tell you about Blogger. I can't see any way to re-set or re-invite Mom. The Admin stuff is all different. Marty, if you're reading, please make a test post to see if you are locked out too. I will try exploring the Help screens when I get a chance.

Probably not tomorrow, though. I'm going to go into the Library. I'll drive Blue so I can take Bill out to pick up Moonbeam after an oil change in the afternoon. I haven't done anything to prepare for the assault on Mount Comics Collection. I hope Rita Smith is around. She's now acting head of Special Collections. (Sandy, she was the one who talked about the Little Big Books.)

Good luck with the bugs. Gakk! I wonder if this is a global warming symptom, or just some sort of periodic infestation.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm seeing if I can get in as well.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Looks like I have access.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Thanks, Chris. Not sure what's going on with Mom's access.


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