Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mom today

15.III.07 - MoM

"Beware the Ides"

Another appointment out of the way. I though perhaps my eyes had been deteriorating and I have had problems getting all the prescribed drops in my eyes. This is the 2nd consecutive visit that my eyes have even improved a little. He is very pleased with the cataract problem he had operated on quite a few years ago still looked good. So, I'm cleared for another 6 months.

We did a small shopping at a nearby Kowalskis, then had a relaxed lunch at the Lowell Inn, in Stillwater. Thea still remembers their dinner there the year they looked for Sandy in River Falls. As I am sure I have written before about us being there that day after bringing her stuff up from Chicago. Our car was in the driveway and as it was on Main Street they had driven by. Of course, they had no idea where she was going to be or that we were going to be there.

I had the heat on in the sunroom today as it was cold outside. I am happy to report that I only sucked up about 15 of "dem guys." (I realize in the original use of that phrase they weren't BEBugs). There were 4 around the sink this morning that I disposed of. But the worst indignity was having one land on my plate at breakfast! I didn't have a magnifying glass so I could not see if it thumbed its nose?

Since it was late by the time I finally made it to bed, had some more sleep robbing leg problems during the night, and got up a little after 5 a.m., I guess I should not have been surprised when I took a 15 minute nap in Lafuma, followed by another one that turned out to be an hour as I didn't set the timer! Can't believe it's not even 8 p.m., and I am already getting sleepy. I have forgotten what it was like to have a set routine.

* * * * *

Now, for more of yesterday's Sandy letter of Dec 2, 1984.

Marty and Brian came up for Thanksgiving -- we had turkey on the spit, since the oven was broken. Had to buy a new electric stove. Considered Jenn Air, but decided against it given our present financial circumstances. Settled for a nice Frigidaire, not even self-cleaning oven. It's quite nice, though. I suspect when we remodel the kitchen we'll get a new one anyway (this will be in several years.

Now school is back on and things are pretty much back to normal. It's Sunday, and snowing like crazy. We already shoveled once this morning (the handyman who was to change the machine from rototiller to snowblower hasn't showed up yet, and we don't have the tools to do it, and it looks like we'll have to shovel it again. Already 4+ inches on the ground, and it's coming down fast and solid.

Glad you finally went to visit the Wontrobas. They seem to be nice -- I hope to see more of them when I come back.

I do think FILE would work well to put stuff on Christmas letters, but I think you are wise to wait until you are more familiar with it. You might as well use things you know when you are in a hurry. The computer is only quick when you have experience with your programs! I have been amazed a few times of how long things take the first time I do them.

I guess I would like the tapes from Lindell. Can you send them? They should go just like a letter. Hope it doesn't cost too much. I have sent a batch of Peoples, Have a couple more to send this week. Bob tried, but they kept coming back from the post office because he had not read my mailing instructions carefully enough. Sorry for the delay. I think he got a few through to you.

Most of my pictures are back, and they are in general very good. Luckily the ones I ruined from opening the camera were of Paris, and there were only a few bad ones. Got some excellent pictures in your place. Also, a lot of nice mountain pictures, both the balcony and windows and on Dad"s and my hikes. Once good one from way up the mountain that I'll get printed and send to you. Still have a lot to sorting of them to do; must do it soon, as my students are clamoring to see them.



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