Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Catching Up


Yesterday was a catch-up, both of missed sleep and things I didn't get done around the house. I also did the Wednesday crossword (I'm always a day behind, since Bill brings the paper home from campus.) It took me all day, and I had to look up "Town near Caen" to complete it. Wednesday is the outer limit of what I can handle. I took a swing at Thursday's, but didn't get very far. Didn't solve any of the theme problems, and without that, nearly impossible.

Today I got to work on the comics stuff. I made an outline of what needs to be done and in what order. It's still a draft, but I should have it whipped into shape by Monday. I also worked on extracting the holdings for a single comic, or rather, group of related comics: The Avengers. Put them in their own true database, got them sorted. It's just a test, a proof of concept sort of thing, because I'm working from a version of the Giant Excel File (GEF) that is over a year out of date.

Got the top shelf in the pantry completely cleared off today-- 4 15-minute stints (with breaks to do other things in between them). Emptied cans and jars for recycling-- peanut butter was the worst! Almost impossible to get that stuff out of the jar and then get the jar clean-- and I had two huge ones to do. Bill thinks I'm crazy to not just toss them in the garbage, but I'm trying to be a good little eco-citizen.

I'm about half way through Will in the World. It's really very enjoyable because I already know so much about Elizabethan England, thanks to Neil and The Sandman. And the work I did during my sabbatical, of course.

Overcast the past two days, but not quite muggy. It's very dry still. Only a little bit of sprinkles last night as we went out to dinner. It's Gator Nationals -- so of course, if it's EVER going to rain, it will be during these big time car races. The town is filled with colorful folks, the roads with colorful cars (most of them being towed). Mel tells us she hates these weekends. Rowdy people filling the bar, disappointed because she doesn't have Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap

Looks like Blogger had some problems earlier tonight. Seem to have cleared up now. And just as I typed that, I got mail from Mom with her blog. I'll post hers as soon as I'm done here.

Which would be about...




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