Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Book Got Me


No post from me last night because I could not make myself put down the book I'm reading, Will in the World, a new biography of Shakespeare. It's a wonderfully written and thought-out book, and it's been a best seller, but it is especially fascinating to me because of all the time I put into trying to understand the Shakespeare allusions in The Sandman. I stayed up til 3:30 AM last night reading it! Now that is bad craziness. I'm about 3/4 through with it now. Spent too much of reading it yesterday, too. Also picked up the Thursday crossword I'd done a little bit of on Friday, and got it almost done! Persistence pays off-- once I solved the main clue, "oxymoron." Still have about 10 letters unsolved.

Last night I fixed the meal I had planned for Wednesday: a quick saute of sliced Kielbasa, onions, and Brussels sprouts put through the Cuisinart slicer. Brainlessly easy and surprisingly good. Had grilled (in the grill pan) eggplant slices with.

Got the fridge partly cleaned out yesterday, and finished it today, then out for a late shop. Tonight we had an old fave, leftover pork roast cubed and briefly sauteed in a tangy sauce. Spozed to be served over french rolls, but we skip that part. Baked turnip fries and fruit salad as sides.

Got sheets and towels changed and laundered. Good Suze.

Part 1 of season three finale of BSG tonight. Ooooo-weeee! I don't understand how this show can be so gripping and so GOOD for so long. Feels like I just watched 5 great movies back-to-back, they pack so much into 42 minutes. Yowza! When I get done here I'm going to go watch it again.

I don't remember hearing about the Searing car theft. How awful. But still, subsequently living through a major earthquake and that horrendous wildfire makes that adventure look pretty tame in comparison.

Hope you neck feels better soon, Mom. I occasionally get things like that, and sometimes they last for days. I've been having less trouble with that lately since I gave up sleeping on two pillows. One ultra-soft feather pillow seems to work best; though it's harder to fall asleep on it, the results in the morning are worth it.

It has been COLD the past few days-- unusual for this time of year. Highs barely making it out of the 60's, lows in the 40's. Pretty strange to have the heat coming on this late in the year. But crystal clear and beautiful sunny days. Some more of these, please, before the steam bath descends.



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