Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

20.III.07 - MoM

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Currently, I am happy with each day closer to spring and the bulbs and flowers. I am not sure what I am getting into, but today I got a couple of my flower "notes" ready to mail to the girl [Sandy interposes: the "girl" is one of the main newspaper reporters for the RF Journal] I met at the Woods' who was so interested in seeing them. I called her to check the address and she was delighted that I was going to be in contact. She said that she had been telling her boss about me this morning and suggesting doing an article. WHAT AM I LETTING MYSELF IN FOR!

Since the horoscopes are on the comics page, I usually give them a quick glance and forget it. However, after the Woods' party, my unexpected appearance there and my conversation with Pat Hunter, I decided to clip and save it. It's strange: "Your plans are revised because you're adjusting to circumstances beyond your control. While this sudden shift may be frustrating and could inconvenience you temporarily, the end results will be spectacular."

Only 3 BEBugs today and it was hot out there so I didn't even bother to suck them up. Saw none in the kitchen or the rest of the house either.

I was able to eat breakfast at my desk but did not watch TV to the left, just had it on for sound. Turning my head to the left is still painful. Now that I know I need to avoid that, it was a less painful day.

I'm really impressed with your FL progress, Suzy! It is inspiring me to make an effort to spend some 15 minute stints on my bedroom and closet!

Trying for early to bed tonight, for a change.

* * * * *

Tonight is another letter to Sandy and Bob, from 30.XII.84 -- evidently the day I finally mailed the letter.

Dear Sandy and Bob,

Really beginning to wonder how much time I save using this thing to write my letters. I spend so much time editing them till they say what I really want to instead of batting them out any old way. Try to write one, then I patch it for several other letters. But I am getting faster with it. I did spend a lot of time on a long letter to the Fendrichs as they wanted some information about trains, sightseeing, etc. They were over for the first time last September but with an American Express Tour. Some of the stuff can be used for some other people who are asking for information. Kenny Maas is just waiting to make her plans when I write and tell her we are free. Right now Suzy is holding up things. Have Bob's "window" penciled in for mid-April. We are looking forward to seeing him.

We had a good Christmas yesterday and due to a 6" snow and several other little ones during the past week, it was white. We have had colder weather than we had last year in Switzerland, thank goodness. Nothing like yours, but we are staying pretty consistently below freezing day and night. Lowest so far is 8 F. Things look pretty as we have much fog that freezes on the trees (and sidewalks). I love having my own room as I can have the windows open and the room is in the low 30's. DoD only has a crack of air and his room seems so hot and stuffy. He moved his bed to the other side of the room a couple of days ago. He loves to move furniture. It looks good.

The present department included an electric slicer, much the same design as the one we left behind; a nice barometer and thermometer in a glass case for placing on a table. Looks great on the bookcase in DoD's room. We had saved the tableware we bought in Vienna at the start of our trip for a Christmas present. We are going to get another set (6) so we don't have to have such mixed messes of silver when we only run the dishwasher about every other day. Then, when we were in Innsbrück last week I began to look for a Robert Coupe. Could not find that, but did find a Krupp with the same design of blades and works so bought it. What a blessing it is for me. My chest and back problems are getting worse all the time and the painful time is using my arms in the kitchen. I wear the 2" funny platform shoes I have, but the cramps are almost unbearable at times. Have tried taking arthritis medicine (Clinerol), calcium tablets, Valium, etc., but not much help. A couple of Tylenols and martinis at night seem to help a little, but can't do that all day. So being able to cut down the cutting and chopping time is wonderful. I could just fix plain food but do enjoy the cooking and now enjoy making cookies, fruit breads and want to do so many more things. One of these days I am going to have to break down and have it checked further by a doctor. Luckily using the Apple does not bother it as I can keep my arms close and in one place.



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