Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Back in the mix again!

25.III.07 - MoM

Earlier, I decided I should perhaps remove the 2 plastic chairs and little table off the deck as it had started to be windy and I didn't want them to blow into the yard and perhaps damage some of my plants. It had also just started to rain. When I got picked up the first chair there was a huge thunder clap, so I quickly got all the stuff into my bedroom and thought nothing more of it.

Meanwhile, Rita had called to remind me that I hadn't closed the garage door since we left it open this morning to dry out, a little and she also said they were talking about tornados tonight. I went back to my HGTV that I was watching. Not long after I heard my weather radio in my bedroom sounding an alarm. Went in to check it and found that the 4 big D sized were dead. By then I had a local TV channel on and there were tornado warnings for our area. It gave me fits replacing the tight fitting batteries and getting all the settings going. I really put on a spurt and got all my survival (including my gin, of course) the storm was going 7 miles east of River Falls, and the sun came out. Stupid me, I had started dismantling the stuff then realized that the threat is supposed to go on till 10:00 tonight. I still have the basics in there and the weather radio beside me so I can hear it.

This is the last night I can have gin this week due to my Wednesday surgery, so I am going to really enjoy it to the fullest and the last drop!

Day before yesterday, I had searched for any sign of bulbs in the front bed and since there was not the tiniest sign of life, I didn't bother further. Charlie, with his sharp eyes, found about a half dozen blooms and leaves this morning. The minute they left, I was out there collecting 3 blossoms and a couple of green spikes for a new card design. I had hoped they would bloom while the pussy willows that they had brought me from their place were still in good shape. The idea arrangement came together quickly, then gave me fits getting it centered exactly and with much testing and fine tuning. The blossoms are so very fragile to work with. Before I ran the number of them I wanted, but blossoms were beginning to roll and wilt, so I had to pick out the best printed one and finish the "run" copying it. Of course, the PWs should last a while and there should be a lot of larger "crocki." At least, I got the Sunday paper out of the way this morning.

While Sandy and Charlie were here this morning, the two of them got my 2nd AeroGarden put together and the 3 pods of grape-type tomatoes planted. The stuff in the first one are still going strong, although I guess they expect them to only last 6 months. They lived up to all the hype about them. The only thing that didn't do well was chives. When the first planter runs its course, the I have a mixture of salad greens to plant in it.

I am very happy to be a part of the regular blog, although the stop gap measure worked out okay when I was in the stop gap situation.

Your mention of Chuck Magioni struck a chord with me. Did he play the organ among of his composing talents? I seem to remember a concert he did in Los Altos when I was there, and even more sure that he did a seminar at a large organ get together in D.C. I tried to Google him today but didn't get my usual results. I seem to remember that he composed some special music for the Olympics that year.

Thanks so much for the HD radio info. We don't have a nearby Radio Shack, but perhaps there is one in Hudson. I had read some of the comments on Amazon and there were pros and cons about reception. It made me think that perhaps I should buy it locally so it would be easier to return if it didn't work out. However, anything would be an improvement on my $79.00 radio that is tinny and distorted. My bedroom radio works good in the bathroom or my bed. Thanks, and will do some more research.

It has been a long day and, as I say every night then don't follow through, I am going to try to get to bed early.


At 9:09 PM, Blogger Florence said...

"I think I like it" -- the new post published so quickly, then I saw an error in the 2st line. I used to republish and remove the old one -- a rather cumbersome exercise. Imagine my surprise when I could just make that quick change and have in corrected on the published one! Very good.


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