Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More crocus pushing thru the leaves every day

27.III.07 - MoM

Ugh! A dry night with no gin because of the surgery tomorrow afternoon. First time I have had the cutting in the afternoon. I hope they don't have to make very many trial cuts so we can get out of there at a decent time. Too bad that it is on Sandy and Charlie's anniversary. That was poor planning, but none of us was anxious to keep the appointment several weeks ago with the snow storm threat that turned out to be a false alarm. Unfortunately, it looks as if the weather is not going to be salub but at least it is supposed to be rain. I was watching the weather on TV as I wrote that so "Now for the rest of the story!" ---- It is supposed to clear in the afternoon.

Today was a funny day. I didn't have a lot planned for it, but did write a few checks -- not a big deal as I use Quicken. Then, since I was having a good day for walking without the walker with less pain for a change, I decided to do 15 minutes in the "Hell Hole" -- starting with my closet. (The reports of your FL progress have inspired me.) Maybe a year ago I had made a couple of sacks of stuff for Goodwill. It was still taking up space on the floor there. Meanwhile, I had learned that they only wanted stuff in good shape ready for resale. So, I sorted thru and made a sack of worn bedroom slippers and other useless stuff for the dump and a sack with okay clothes. Then, there was a sack of glassware, carefully wrapped. Some of my current plastic glasses are about due to dump, so for a few minutes, I almost let temptation get the best of me. I unwrapped a couple thinking I might resort to using them. No wonder FlyLady insists that such bags should go to the car at once. But, I managed to get control again and the glasses are going to get a new home.

This afternoon, I got another little burst of energy, and decided that I was sick of looking at the growing collection of stuff collecting on the chopping block in the middle of the kitchen, especially after I had done a mini purge on the fridge a little earlier and it had ended up there, too. Nice to have it clear again. Still later, it only took 10 minutes to do was some non-dishwasher stuff that had collected on the drain board. It went so well, that I am inspired to make a real effort to get control of my bedroom/closet area again! Hopefully, my hip will continue to cooperate.

Thank Bill for the HD radio stuff. I went back online this afternoon, checking Radio Shack and Circuit City. Today, I took time to read all of the reviews and I decided to rethink this. All I wanted was better reception for the am station (talk) that I prefer and the FM public station (also talk) that I put on when I can't stand the subjects on am. I never have either one on during the day. The radio by my bed is a good one but I need to replace the cheapie, tinny and noisy one in the bathroom.

Time to see what I can put together to pass for "supper" tonight.


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