Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A 2nd try to post this

28.III.07 - MoM

Happy Anniversary, Sandy and Charlie!

Well, my skin problems are out of the way for a while -- just a visit to the Woodbury facility next week on Thursday to have the stitches removed. I thought I would be able to "dress" it my self, but the doctor had to cut a lot further up than I thought and it ends up behind my ear where I can't see it to do things like spread antibiotic ointment on it with Q-tips daily and new bandages so will have to ask Rita to help out again. It wasn't painful except for the shots in my fact to deaden so they can put in deeper shots. Thank goodness that doesn't bother me. This time there was some Squamous cell and Basal cell carcinomas but thank goodness no Melanoma. I was lucky that the young male doctor spotted today's area when I went in about some others as it was hard to even see it. Later: I guess the pain shots are wearing off -- it is beginning to hurt some, so I guess I'll take some Tylenol tonight.

Sandy and I had tacos and some Tex Mex things at a little place near the fantastic Target grocery where we were going to shop on our way to the doctor's. We were on a tight schedule, but the food was good. I had to have ice tea while Sandy enjoyed a Margarita. Managed to get all that done and we were about only about 5 minutes late for appointment time. Thank goodness, I have that little handheld FreeCell. I never get tired of playing it no matter how long the wait. Sandy had a newspaper x-word and a book, so she managed, too.

I got 2 Goodwill sacks out of the house without giving in to temptation to go through the glassware. I am going to try to follow your good FL example and try to make some progress in my bedroom. Even though I am supposed to take it a little easy for about a week, I think I can do some sorting and tossing with no heavy lifting.

* * * * *

At least, this letter to Sandy and Bob, has a date: 25.I.85.

Well, we now have the organ and it is great to be able to play again. At this moment DoD is playing at "Exodus." I have been working out registrations (a completely different ball game from the Conn) and practicing for my first "concert" next Sunday for the Wontrobas. They had asked when we were going to have a concert one day when they met DoD on the street, so I have been waiting for the organ before inviting them for the first planned visit. Think I will have a few snack things with the little champagnes, with coke, Sprite, etc., for a backup for her. I know he enjoys a drink of American whiskey. Then later in the afternoon we will have coffee and plum pudding, I guess. It was so much easier to do "Happy Hour" things in the states.

Called Computerland again last Monday and they say that they have tried to get the manual but can not get one! When we were last in Munich we called Apple there and they said that it was not easy to get one in any language but what was local to the sales area. Going to write Apple European Headquarters in Amsterdam and also in California as this is hampering DoD in things that he wants to do. I got bogged down in REPORT when it got into numbers. DoD massages all of his accounts and figures constantly and now has all kinds of financial reports he can call up. He is starting now to work on getting some travel stuff onto file. Of course, we are still waiting for the supplemental little programs we had asked them to order for us.


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