Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 02, 2007

A lazy day again!

2.IV.07 - MoM

I'm still hanging in there with the medicine and so far, no sign yet of the possible problems. I don't think it was any redder than it was yesterday and it still hasn't done any oozing, so I decided that it wasn't necessary to try to get in to Woodbury to get it looked at. I expect to be able keep my appt on Thursday to remove the stitches. We may have some snow tomorrow but it doesn't amount to much this time of the year.

I am enjoying watching my bulbs pop through the ground in the areas close in seemingly overnight. The first jonquil (or are they daffodil?) leaves are managing to push up through last fall's leaves. And, there are now lots of crocus. I was able to have the doors open today for a little while to air out the house. Of course, I had had the fireplace going earlier, and I have it going again tonight.

I couldn't seem to get started on FL stuff today. I wonder if the fact that I didn't get into my shoes could have had anything to do with it. I did do well with eating today for a change. I heated some of the veal and wild rice, adding some more red wine and a half beef broth cube and it really tasted good. I'll have to freeze the rest soon. (Oops, time out! It's time to take my 3rd and last set of antibiotics for the day and have to drink at least 8 oz of water. I feel like I'm going to explode or float away after it.)

Just had the nightly call from Sandy. They have been doing some serious kitchen work, so she is going to take me out to see it tomorrow. Living in space while building really takes me back. I always enjoyed it while we were doing it. The living room renovation here was a lot of fun.

* * * * *

Some of these letters from Chris are not dated so it is sort of "by guess or by gosh." I wonder how that phrase came to me. It used to be in common usage, but it really doesn't make much sense. This letter is dated 12/20/84. (I don't think this a repeat.)

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hope the holidays find you well and enjoying life 'Over There.' I've just begun the passport hassle. (I can't find any proof of birth!! - do I write to San Jose Hosp?) There is a new AAA travel agency near work that I guess I could get the tickets at. Is this a reasonable way to go? I'm not having much luck getting co-travelers. Suzy says she's broke and Lynette says she hasn't that much leave, but I might get her to come for say 2 weeks and me 3. Well, we'll see. I still really don't know what I want to see.

I'm off to Fla tomorrow night. I understand Sandy will be in Miami, so I'll miss her. No word about Marty. Sorry these things couldn't have reached you by Christmas but it’s the thought I guess. Also, sorry this letter won't be longer because I'm in a rush since this is my last night home for a while. So have a nice holiday and I'll write more later.

Love, Chris.

(no date of this letter from Chris)

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hope you are well and enjoying the changeable weather I hear you’ve been having; or assumed you were having the same crazy stuff as us. It was over 70 both days last weekend, so now I expect the other shoe. The garlic I planted is up, and believe it or not, some of the poor lettuce (red only) is still hanging on!

Aunt Dottie got me some birth certs (fast work, too, once I talked to her). My trip plans are kind of up in the air. I know we're coming. I just don't know when. Looks like I won't get to go in Oct on Uncle, but Lynnette has a chance to go in early Sept. I'm sorry to say I've been kind of dragging my feet about the Spring part. I promise to get on it this week.

I'm sitting in a new fast-food seafood place that just opened here in Gaithersburg. It's before bowling (as usual). Incidentally, the last two weeks I've totally undone all the good I did in January. We missed one week because of a pissy ice-rain and the next two weeks I haven't been close to 180 -- been averaging about 155! No real bad games but no decent ones either. Maybe I'll turn it around tonite? I'm about to get something here called 'garlic crabs' -- which are the hardshell blue crabs steamed in garlic butter. They are real good. I know from experience.

[That was the end of the letter. There may have been another page later, but at present I haven’t found it.]



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