Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Strange Sunday


Way too late for a decent post-- got caught up in the Sunday crossword, now about half done.

Gators in the finals AGAIN. Holy Moly! Just too weird. I refuse to watch tomorrow night until the very end, and then only if they are winning. Just like last year.

Slept late. Changed sheets. Shopped. Had a nice mint-garlic chicken thing, and a "risotto" from leftover cauli-rice and some mushrooms. Both were hugely successful, but left the kitchen in a mess, especially since I was steaming some artichokes at the same time. Cleaning up lasted well into the late evening.

I really want to read "Chivalry" for the Read-a-Thon, but when I listened to Neil reading it tonight, I realized it would take about half an hour. I can't bring myself to abridge it, and it has to all be there to work. The slots are 10 minutes each, with a 5 minute slack. I must figure this out now, as the event is a week away. Whimper, whine. Maybe next year.

Mom, doctors ARE available on weekends! You call their number, their answering service takes the message and passes it on, and they call you back! If something like this happens, just call, especially in a post-op situation where the doc tells you to call if anything is not right. I'm glad you have Rita nearby looking out for you.

Another swell letter from Chris. Interesting to read that era of my life from his perspective. I well remember that Christmas we labored over the DOS -> CP/M -> Apple port of the OCLC training program. We never got it to completely work because of the "killer array" statement that fragged the BASIC language of the time. And I'd forgotten about staying at Lynette's that time, though I remember how impressed I was by her neatly organized closet. Her wardrobe choices were a really lesson in how to dress for success, too.

Two AM. Sleepy Time.



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