Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A more or less rest day

1.IV.07 - MoM

When I took off the Telfa bandage my face this morning, it looked as if there was great improvement in the redness. I decided that perhaps I hadn't had an infection after all (I had forgotten that I had had a little fever) and decided that I would quit the questionable antibiotic. It is hard to get a good look look at that area of my face. Mid-day, Kay called and insisted I should not stop the pills, so while we were on the phone, I began them again. I will still get in the 3 times today but will be up late to do it. As the day went on it seemed to get red again, so Rita came up and looked at it. It was red but not as bad as yesterday, but she also insisted I continue the pills. It is not oozing like the others had. She also picked up on the instruction sheet that you are not to lie down for at least a half hour after the pills. My 3rd ones will be at 10:30 p.m., so bedtime is now set for 11 p.m. She also wants me to call the surgeon tomorrow to tell her about this and also about the antibiotic I am taking. When the doctor did a follow up call the day after the operation, she did want me to call if there was anything unusual. I didn't know how to get in touch with her on the weekend, so, I will her call tomorrow morning.

I am sure that that I will fall asleep before last pill time. Not a problem, as I can sleep sitting upright. I took it easy today but hope to get back to some more FL hot spots tomorrow.

* * * * *

Another letter from Chris from 1/23/85.

Dear Mom & DOD.

Glad to hear you are getting some of your kind of weather. We are getting a bit of that ourselves. I had -10° F on the morning of the 21st, and 3" of snow the previous Thursday. It was cold enough that my fuel oil starter jelling Monday and the furnace not heating properly. I bought a kerosene heater yesterday (Thanks. I used Xmas and birthday money for it and it works great.) But now it's warmed into the 20's of its working again. The cold weather has been conducive to working on my map. I'm up to 800 AD now and it appears I'll be able to get 363-1066 AD on a single Apple disk. Do you have color capabilities? If so, I'll send you a copy and will see if it will run on a IIc. Glad to hear you're getting such good use out of yours. At the rate I'm working, I should be able to finish this period sometime next winter.

There's a chance I could get a trip to Paris to give a paper on Oct. 7-9 this year, but won't that be about the time you'll be back here? I haven't done anything yet about coming this spring although I'd really like to. I guess I'm still thinking April but it may be too late already. I don't want to miss too much garden so that's why the April choice - conceivably I could plant a spring garden before and it would be ready when I returned. Am dating a girl in Frederick (as well as still seeing Lynette) now and she could probably take care of the cats, etc. Each girl knows about the other which is a nice situation for me as you might imagine. With bowling as well, I don't spend as many evenings home as I used to, so the woodpile is holding out well.

Suzy was in Washington for a library conference the first week of January and stayed at Lynette's. We had a great time when she was here. She didn't have time (they had meetings even on weekends!) to come out to my place, but I was able to get down there. Her paper on her program went well and there was plenty of interest as usual. I was wrong about her settlement with U of F (Big Gator) over the rights. She will do quite well if the program sells as everybody thinks it should. I guess they did learn something from Gatoraid. Get her to tell you the details. I helped her some to start to get the program translated for the Apple when I went down there for Xmas. I took my Apple and an Osborne from work. We got it running (more or less) on the Osborne and on the Apple under CP/M. Getting it to run on a straight Appile will be more of a chore, but I think I've given her a fair start. This should increase its salability.

The cats are fine as are the remaining 10 chickens (tho cold). No eggs being layed at the moment which I don't mind a bit. I'm currently in a bowling hot streak - averaging 190 for the 9 games so far this month, with 5 over 200 - I started the year with 605. Still not high average yet, but I'm closing in -- only one pin away. Our team finished the first half very strong and we're doing well so far this half.

Hope you are being very careful [double underlined] on the ice - sounds like there's plenty there. All we hear on the news is how cold it's been in Europe. Your -24° C is quite impressive (-12° F ?)

I hope to firm up my plans soon. Will write. Take care of yourselves.

Love Chris



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