Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not the day I had planned

31.III.07 - MoM

Today didn't go as I had expected. In the afternoon, I started working on one of the tote boxes in my bedroom. I wanted to get it sorted and tossed so I could use the box in the front room to corral the stuff around my chair. I had started making stacks on my bed when Rita came to do my face. We had expected some progress, but it looked worse. Since the Clinic is closed on weekends, we finally decided to go to the emergency room. Thank goodness, it was a quiet day. They called the doctor who has the duty today. It turned out to be the new one who had also looked at my previous surgery on my ear when I went to the Clinic to get the stitches removed. He decided I should start an antibiotic. I had a bit of fever, too.

I told the doctor that I wanted would like one that you could have a drink while taking it and he told that I could with this one. Also, I only have to take it for 7 days instead of the usual 10. It would not have been fun to be at the Wood's for Easter and not be able to partake in the festivities. I had liked this doctor after that earlier visit last month and like him even more now. I have been lukewarm about the doctor I have been seeing recently. Actually, I have been lucky and seldom have had to see one.

When I got home and looked at the Patient Information Leaflet that came with the Rx, I was a little surprised when I read: "Warning: This medication should be used only for serious bacterial infections because it can sometimes cause a severe (rarely fatal) intestinal condition due to a resistant bacteria. This condition may occur during treatment or even weeks after treatment has stopped."

Nothing else new todayl

* * * * * *
Another letter from Chris tonight. This one was 10/16/84

Dear Mom & DOD,

Sorry this has been so long in coming. Life has been rather hectic lately but seems to be settling down finally so I can take care of business. I had a paper deadline at work, which I would have had no trouble meeting (even tho I only finished the measurements a week before it was due) except for all the review procedures we have to go through at the Bureau. I wrote it in about a day, right into the OSBORNE word processor. Then I was able to make all changes immediately, by myself. Because of the deadline, the reviewers at the Bureau, some of which included people I've chosen, were not that demanding and I had to do no major rewrites, only little changes here and there. I got a two-week extension on the deadline, and managed to get it released the day before it was due, so I could Fed Xpress it there on the due date. So that's out of the way. However, this past weekend, right at the end of the job as usual, I bounced the bow saw off a thin branch and sliced the back of my left hand, 10 stitches worth. It wasn't bad enough so I wasn't sure I needed stitches at first, so I wrapped it up and watched that lousy World Series. Finally, after talking to Lynette, I drove myself to the Frederick ER and they were very nice and cleaned me out (painful) and sewed me up (no problem - Xylene or something like Novocain). Also, sold me a tetanus shot. So I'm all fine now, or would be except I caught a very sudden cold, which came on last night. One minute I was fine, and then I felt it in my throat. I was due: It's been over a year since I was sick enough to take leave. I went in today (it's bowling night) but also because I have the Van de Graff and need to do a measurement before I give it up. However, I fried the delector today but at the end of the measurement. It may recover, but it will be several days at least, and maybe I can shake this cold by then.

Still thinking of coming to Europe next spring. I have all kindsååå of installations to visit (German standards labs, one in Bavaria, one in the north. I'll get per diem those days (big deal), but I'll probably visit them anyway. Wish I had some German! They all speak such good English, it doesn't seem fair. They say they enjoy using it and showing it off. Very sorry I missed your birthday, Mom. Hope you had a good one. Weather here still nice, no frost yet. Still drying tomatoes, eating pickles. First Fall salad Sunday,

Love, Chris



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