Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Busy Day

3.IV.07 - MoM

It is really going to be a short blog tonight. It is 9 p.m., and I am just starting. Since I got up at 5:30 this morning and only had one 15-minute nap, I will be going to bed before too long. I still haven't started my 2nd martini.

It has been quite a day. Sandy picked me up to take me out to see the kitchen progress, and also the furniture changes they have made upstairs. I hadn't been there since Thanksgiving. The progress in the kitchen was great. The ceiling lighting makes a big difference. I also like her new arrangement of the bedroom furniture.

Sandy had a school in Hastings to visit so she dropped me off on her way there. The heavy snow went well north of us and we hardly even got much rain. However, this evening we had a light dusting of snow.

I didn't get much FlyLady stuff done. I did get a new set of checks (Quicken) ordered by phone, and a little more stuff around my chair sorted and put away. Oh yes! This morning before Sandy picked me up, I got a crocus & pussy willow card (Easter) finished for Thea. I also made up the pictures I forgot to take to Thea on her birthday dinner day. And, I got it in the morning mail.

About 6 p.m., when I was about to start my drink, I turned on the front porch light and there was a loud pop as it went out, along will almost all the lights, computer, TV, etc., in the front room. The TV had blown before when Paige was vacuuming. Went in to the fuse box in the laundry. By standing on my tippy toes and barely able to reach the fuse switch with my finger tips, I threw the switch. Nothing happened. Finally decided to call Rita to see if her retired truck driving husband would see what he could do. There was another button that I needed to push. All was good, till I tried to turn on the TV after he had gone. It turned on but no picture, etc. After trying everything I could, I called Comcast as they had helped me by phone once before. This time, I could not get a human and the recorded suggestions just weren't working. I put my evening program loudly in the kitchen. I also called Sandy to tell her of the fiasco. I was quite surprised when a little later, Marty and Ben let themselves in. I hadn't seen Ben for several months. She tried several things and found the "missing link," so all is working again.

Florida seens to quite the sports school. The game was on my radio. Too bad about the policeman who was hit by the car. I hope he is going to get better.

I'm falling asleep in my chair again.

Should do better, tomorrow.


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