Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, April 06, 2007

And the wind and cold are still with us.

6.IV.07 - MoM

At least, it was sunny but cold -- 25° with a forecast of 12° tonight, with cold again tomorrow with perhaps a little snow. I am still hoping that my bulbs that are peaking through are going to withstand this.

Since Sandy was going to be in town to pick up Ben this afternoon, she took me to the new, big Walgreen's near us on Main for some stuff I needed as we were running on a tight schedule yesterday, so I wasn't out in the cold for long. At a time like this it is good to be able to use the handicap spaces.

In the morning, I finished a card and got it in the mail, wrote some checks, and got a token present to Chris & Kay ready to mail. Sandy was going to have to pick up her mail in SV so she took the stuff to mail there.

Tonight, I cooked the first artichoke since before DoD died. And, it is the first times in years that I ate the whole thing at one time. For years, we had split one, but of course they were larger. Sliced rotiss chicken and ice cream made another dinner -- dull, but at least it is food. At least, with yesterday's fun lunch and Easter dinner at the Wood's, I will have had a couple of interesting meals this week.

I had to take time out to watch a special behind the scenes for "What Not to Wear," a show that I enjoy these days. It is to be followed by another special for the same program, so I guess tonight's blog is going to be short.

Tomorrow it's time to tackle Mt Washmore again.



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