Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Another baby step

4.IV.07 - MoM

Not going to be much from me tonight. It's only a little after 8 p.m., and I am tired. I ate some more of my veal, but think it is time to freeze the rest. I still have my other drink to go. I don't want to stay up too late as Sandy is picking me up at 8:45 for my appointment in Woodbury to have my stitches removed. My incision has continued to heal with no further problems. I am still taking the antibiotics -- it is always hard for me to finish the prescribed time, but at least this time it is only 7 days.

I finally got started on some more work done in the afternoon around my living room "chair/office." It really is looking very much better. So far, I am keeping up the hot spots I have rescued. Still so much to do but every little bit helps.

I have a front porch light again. Sandy and Charlie came by on their way home from getting further material for their kitchen construction and replaced the burned out one.

The pictures of Megan are delightful. She is so photogenic! I remember being quite impressed with what neat kids they were when we met them at the wedding. I'm so glad you had your fun wedding in Bayfield. The food was so good, too.

* * * * *

This is another undated letter from Chris but I it seems to be in fall 1984.

Dear Mom & Dad,

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your Apple. Try to get associated with some kind of user's group -- should be info at the store. [Not very convenient as the store was several hours away in Salzburg.] I am back into mine again now that it has gotten cold. I dumped out my map (363-698) for future reference and editing. It came to approx 75 pages! I got worried about the print head beating upon the printer so I used the paddle control to slow it down. (I took about 3 hours (the graphics is slow) -- biggest job I've ever done on the system and it performed great. I've also used it to print out forms to facilitate note-taking for the future, and my notes are complete enough to start coding the graphics up to 1,000 AD. Probably will start on it today.

We had a surprise 1" of wet snow Sunday night (10/18), only up north of Libertytown. Real wet, but my first authentic snow of the season. Since I wrote the last sentence exactly one week has passed. My letter writing time is Tuesday before bowling waiting for some of my team for a beer before doing it. They were early last week so I was cut short. I had a very nice Thanksgiving. I cooked a 4 lb turkey breast (fresh), boiled a game hen for stock for gravy, mashed about 10 lbs of potatoes and baked a pumpkin pie. I managed to eat nearly half of all this (except the pie) and have used all the leftovers since then. I just sort of reduced it to the bare essentials. The weather was and is still too nice to be indoors, I have been gardening. I dug the rest of the potatoes (they were beautiful under a 1" frozen [a 3 letter word I can't read] (still cold at night), and planted garlic, as well as cleaning off the stakes and cages. If it stays nice I'll try to plow. Still struggling lettuce, onions, and radishes. I used peppers and tomatoes in the stock. Hope you'all had a nice T-day.



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