Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, April 06, 2007



You aren't the only ones experiencing a return to winter weather, Mom. We're back to highs in the 60's, lows in the 40's. I'd already taken the extra blankets off the bed. I'd intended to have the turtlenecks and the fleece packed away by now-- sometimes procrastination pays off, as I am wearing them right now. Ditto with the gas heaters, which we usually have turned off this time of year. The cat slept on the bed the last two nights too-- she's as confused as we are. Some years we have 90's already by now.

The Outback was mobbed last night. People had apparently slept off their celebratory hangovers and were to go out and celebrate some more, in a nice warm place with lots of people. Tonight was a huge victory rally in the stadium-- we could hear it all the way to the Library. And we could hear (but not see) the fireworks from the house around 10:30.

Sadly, that cop who was injured Monday night has died. It's the kind of thing that could have happened after any football game, though, and not really symptomatic of riotous behavior.

Another nice time piddling with the comics today. Bill picked me up around 11:30, we had lunch, then I worked from 1 to 5. I am making good progress, and think I am nearing the end of the backlog from the MSU gift of last year. Spent some time working on the spreadsheet at home yesterday and today, normalizing it so there is a title and publisher in each and every row. When that's done, the list can be sorted in different ways, and we will have a much better idea of what we actually have.

Interestingly, the Library is about to hire one of the comics grads-- and the job is what became of MY old budget line! This is Laurie Taylor. Don't think you met her, Sandy, but she's the one that told me two years ago she was thinking about library work because "the librarians always look so happy!" I kept from laughing-- and of course, the ones she saw were Special Collections types, who really do love their work. The way I am loving mine now. I bet anything that if I get the comics collection on a solid footing, she will by angling for any position in that area. Kind of cute to think of this kid following so closely in my footsteps, purely by chance. Of course, she might prefer Rita's job, as her specialty is children's literature.

I didn't do the liquor run yesterday and no chance today. Again drinking Sandy's Bombay. Tomorrow when I food shop I will stop at Apu's family hooch shop next to our Publix. He costs a bit more than ABC, but the convenience is worth it.

Time to go read a bit, and a little bartending. Despite the cold, Bill is still pretending it's spring and ordering Tanq and Tonics, Chris-style. Usually Manhattans are his cold weather drink of choice.

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