Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

At least the sun was out all day!

7.IV.07 - MoM

I guess it was still cold outside, even though I was out on my bedroom deck cleaning out the bird "bath." It didn't take long and I didn't bother to put on a coat, but it was cool. The birds are enjoying drinking there. I expect to have the fountain on the deck this summer for them and I like my 3 tiered planter when I have the heated bath so I will find another place for it.

I managed to remember at breakfast that I had bought fruit at Kowalski's. There had been no details on the container. It turned out to be large wedges of good mangos, some thick slices of perfect ripened kiwi, and a batch of strawberries. It was a nice surprise so I ate at it. I must remember that I have that ¼ of a watermelon.

Tonight I actually cooked 3 nice little rib lamb chops and ate two of them, saving the other one from breakfast tomorrow. Of course, I -- arrrggg! I hadn't saved this and managed to wipe out the rest what I had typed. So, just a quick resume: sautéed the chops with large pieces of garlic, had some picnic shoestrings, and a bowl of plain romaine with only a little salt, and a little ice cream. Still trying to get used gin after dinner.

My main accomplishment was a Mt Washmore, that I made into 2 large loads, instead of what I usually would have done as 4. Using the sheets put out by Shout that Kay told me about, I don't have to worry about mixing darks and lights. My whites are dazzeling. When washing for 1 it is most helpful.

* * * * *
This is the last for a while of Chris letters. It is dated 4/5/85

Again, sorry for the delay of this mailing. No good reason, just slovenlynous. I put in spring garden back on Mar 15 (earliest ever). It's all up now (except potatoes) but slow as usual. I didn't order any (?) order seeds this year, just bought a few things locally like lettuce, spinach, onions and sugar snap peas. I planted last years wintered over potatoes, so will see how that goes. Also, leftover from last years radishes and snap peas. I sprouted the year-old peas before planting and they came up much sooner (this year's fresh unsprouted seed is just now coming up) so I think I'll do this again in the future. The bulbs are up all over now so its very pretty.

Planning now to get over there in Sept or October. The exact scheduling is difficult. Hope you are well. Your Yugoslaw experiences are interesting. The fellow in the lab next to mine is a guest worker from Yugoslavia and he's not real enthusiastic about the system or life there. We have interesting discussions -- he's a Serb. I'm taking this to the post office right now. I'll send a disk with my map on it next time. I've discovered a new info source for it, the Cambridge Medieval History Series. They are wonderfully detailed but very expensive -- $75.00 a volumn. I've bought four so far.

Love, Chris


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