Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



Was determined to get over to Fresh Market today for scallops, so when I had email from Lee a few days ago, we arranged to have lunch in the area. Good thing I made that plan-- another dismal, drizzly day would have been all the excuse I needed to postpone that for another week.

It was good seeing Lee again. We always have so much to yak about, although I always remember so many things I meant to bring up, but forgot. It had been about a year since we last met. He was in Italy for three weeks in February: Jerry Uelesmann had a major show in Verona, and convinced Lee to go along as a sort of tour guide. It was Jerry's first big international show, and now suddenly everyone world-wide wants to have one, realizing he is still alive and willing to travel. Next will be Korea and China. (For Jerry, not Lee, I should clarify.)

Too cold to sit outside at Dinner. (Dinner-period). I had a fine pasta with mussels and slow-roasted tomatoes. Yum.

Sandy: Last time Lee and I got together, I recommended Pullman. He listened to the audio-books of all three and enjoyed them. He was excited when I told him there were movie plans. Another convert!

Great news: Fresh Market had the Magic Olives again! I bought 3 more, and still had two bottles unopened on the shelf. I'm fixed for awhile, which is such a great feeling.

The scallops I bought were beautiful, and surprisingly cheap. I fixed them sauteed in a simple butter/ lime/ jalapeno sauce. Excellent dish!

Finished up the third Austen Mystery this afternoon. I thought I had an illustrated abridgement of her letters, and sure enough, was able to lay my hands on it immediately. It's nice, and I enjoy the pictures, but like all abridgements, this one irritates me, and drives me to find the unabridged. I need recommendations on an edition of the letters, and a good biography.

And speaking of recommendations, Sandy's letter Mom transcribed tonight reminds me to ask: what would be a good tiller for a small sized garden? One that perhaps a mere small woman might be able to wrangle? I no longer have he wherewithal to wield a spade, hoe and pickax the way I once did.

Need to go play bartender. Bill has despaired that warm weather has arrived, finally, and instead of T&T has requested Manhattans the past two nights. A slightly more elaborate and sticky setup is required, but really no more difficult in the long run. Me, I stick with the seasonless and ever-versatile gin on ice. So Say We All here in Flyville. Am I right??

The plan for tomorrow is to do the comics thing in the Lib, so a half-way decent bed time seems in order. And my clothes are laid out, so we're half way there in the morning. I hope.

Tomorrow we will talk about beets.



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