Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

At least my house is easy to keep heated!

10.IV.07 - MoM

The snow and/or rain has continued to go just north of us but there is still a chance we will get a little snow. As I have said, it no longer matters to me this spring. Of course, we could use the moisture for the ground, but it won't be long before the sprinkler system will be in action.

At least, I am not going to have to buy a new power chord. The one that wasn't going in far enough to charge my living room computer, does work on my older laptop on my desk. Nice to have a fall back.

I really like having a remote switch for the lamp on my bedside table, especially as it has a European switch. However, the one I have had for years is getting temperamental due to heavy usage and old age. Sometimes, I have to "bang" it a few times, never knowing if it will eventually work. At last, I saw one in a catalog so I will soon have one I can depend on. Sandy probably remembers the trouble this one gave me at Bluefin last time we were there.

The rotiss chicken, lettuce and dill pickle went down so well that I doubled the amount and enjoyed the reprise. Of course, I had all the other healthy things that make up my daily intake.

I just might make it to bed early tonight. However, I am just starting my second drink and I will "nurse" it for quite awhile.

* * * * *

This is a continuation of a Sandy letter from what I think was early 1985 to us in Saalfelden, Austria.

Christmas in Florida was sunny and nice, but not a whole lot of fun. Only four days, then we came back and Bob went back to work (going to the cities every day to practice with Zeitgeist) and I cleaned out all of the drawers and closets. Whoopee. Now school is back on, and January is slowly lumbering to a close. We've had a lot of snow, and some blistering cold weather. Last Saturday we had the lowest daytime high in recorded weather -- here the warmest it got during the day was -25, with steady winds bringing the wind chill to minus 80. Needless to say, we stayed close to home. A blizzard on Thursday night, but a short one. We did finally get the tiller converted back to a blower, but we find that we both enjoy shoveling snow and both hate the noise and trouble of the machine, so we're going to sell it and buy a better tiller. That's something you really do need a machine for.

Thanks for your letters. the cooking school in Bretagne sounds wonderful. I haven't yet written for info, but I will soon.

I am not at all surprised that you bought an organ; in fact I think it's a good idea. Good way to share computer time. I'm glad that you're really making use of the Apple. Those programs are really good, I think.

I haven't talked to Chris since I got back. Missed him when I called Suzy on Christmas day -- he'd already started back. I did write him a letter last week thanking him for the Christmas present he and Suzy sent, so maybe I'll hear from him.

Bob's projected Saalfelden time is in the last week of April. Hope that doesn't screw you up. If the rest of the guys come they'll stay in a hotel. Maybe you can give them a drink or fix a meal. They are very nice (3 besides Bob). Don't know if they will even come to Saal. If they do, it'll only be for a day and a night. Bob may be able to stay a little longer, but he doesn't know yet. The itinerary is not fully set yet. I will let you know specifically soon. If you have guests when Bob comes, he can stay in town and just come by to see the place. We'll see.



At 8:35 PM, Blogger Florence said...

I should add to keeping the house warm: As long as I have electricity!


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