Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is it really spring at last?

12.IV.07 - MoM

Well, the income taxes for last year are in the mail along with another payment toward next year's, too. Thank goodness, Charlie and his accountant keep me legal. Hope to have them withhold enough so I don't keep having to pay that extra each year.

We had a pretty snow overnight -- the kind that sticks to the trees, too. However, it was less than an inch and I looked out mid-morning and all was already gone. We are supposed to have a week of spring weather.

I am getting around well enough and the weather has moderated enough that I was able to get all the bird feeders in action, except for the hummingbird and oriole feeders. It's a little too early for them. I will be mostly feeding squirrels on the deck outside my bedroom until I get some kind of deterrent.

I can't imagine what happened to the Bruce clipping I sent. I am sure I had enough postage.

I got good news today from my biopsy -- it is only a little mole. I was so not worried that I had forgotten about it and was surprised when they called. Now, I can wait for 6 months or so before another check.

* * * * *

I thought this was another part of a page of the January 1985 to us in Saalfelden as the margins were the same, etc., but it is the wrong season for the garden stuff. [After typing this, I am sure Sandy can date it.]

Well, here's page three. The garden is doing well. Spinach is over, all nicely frozen. Blew out a burner on the stove in the middle of freezing it, which consequently blew a fuse. Had to call an electrician. He advised putting 60-amp fuses on the stove 220. There were 35-amp ones in there before. What do you think, Daddy? Bob is quite opposed to ever upping the amp on any fuse, and I tend to agree with him (he remembers houses burning down when he was a kid in New York when people put pennies under the fuses). The zucchini is starting to bloom, and we will have tomatoes pretty soon. Peas will be coming in the next week. Cukes are not blooming yet, but the beans are. Some heavy work coming up, particularly with the tomatoes, but we both enjoy it. We are into serious weeding at the moment. I watered this morning because it had not rained for a week, so of course now it is clouding up. Oh well.

I am working on preparations for the trip. Hard to decide which clothes to take, particularly to span two seasons. Expect hot weather in Paris the last week of August, but then in England and the next week it will probably be cool and rainy. Still up in the air about camping though leaning toward doing it some of the time, particularly at first. Hard to believe it is coming so soon!

Keep the letters coming -- they are always wonderful. Don't ever edit them; I'm glad you don't have a word processor! (Although I never go back and take anything out anyway.)

Looking forward to being in phone contact again!


Bob, who just got home from a four hour Sunday morning Zeitgeist rehearsal, says hello.



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