Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Living in the Past


Thanks for the pictures of Ben, Sandy. His idea of "painting" reminds me of an artist I knew briefly in the late '60s who called himself Star Pink. His paintings, too, never were on canvas-- he mixed paint together in gallon jugs, and then the stuff in the jugs were the paintings. (I wonder what became of him.) So you see, Ben is actually quite avant garde in his expression.

Another long day playing with the comics on campus. Every time I think I'm just about done, they find another box, and the stuff gets harder and more obscure. It's all so fascinating. The problem is I become so engrossed that I forget to stand up and stretch every once in awhile-- and then I can hardly move, and my back is killing me by the end of the day. Really think I'll have it done Friday afternoon.

Will definitely be in to play on Friday, as it is the semi-annual Library Picnic out in the Plaza. I hated these things while working, but now it's a chance to see people I haven't seen in some time. Today everyone I happened on wanted to stop and talk, because that "self-interview" came out in the Library Newsletter. Seems lots of people didn't even know I'd retired until they read that. In fact, reading that thing was what prompted Lee to get in touch with me. It isn't online yet, but when it is, I'll post a link to it.

Bill is taking tomorrow off to do an errand in Ocala. I'm thinking about riding along, but not sure I'll be able to get up early enough to manage it. Need to get some stuff done here too-- the house needs Blessing, laundry needs attention.

It unexpectedly warmed up again today, to the point I was uncomfortable in the t-neck I wore. They say it's supposed to get cold again this weekend, but it's hard to believe after a day like this. OTOH, you guys are having snow flurries-- I've noticed that this year's jet stream pattern seems to bring us a milder dose of your weather a few days later.

I'm glad to hear you have rediscovered the 15-minute part of FL, Mom. It works so much better than knocking yourself out for an unlimited time, or "until it's done," at least for me. It also helps me to get started doing something: "I'll just do it for 15 minutes, then I'll stop and read." Works like magic. Another reason to stay home tomorrow: make another 15 minutes of progress in the pantry!

I need help with the leftovers of my excellent standing rib from Sunday! What do I do with it?? I usually end up freezing and forgetting it, or forgetting to freeze it and tossing the rest in the garbage. There has got to be a better way. Sandy? Mom? What is the Soares Way?

I'm only half here. The other half is living in the early 1800s, along with dear Jane. It's great fun reading her letters-- the wonderful illustrations almost make up for the maddening abridgement. Will read a bit more before sleep, then dream of Bath, Lyme, and Southampton. I must see England. It's now number one with a bullet on my travel wish list.

How nice that Blogger now lets Mac people format text easily. I confess, it's been that easy for us WinTel squares all along. My awesome HTML/XML mastery would have made it possible, but I wouldn't have bothered very often. Have fun!

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