Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Getting shorter every day!

17.IV.07 - MoM

We had our MoM's day out and it was nice. Sandy needed some stuff from a Whole Earth store in St. Paul that was near one of our favorite restaurants, W. Frost, so that was our lunch destination. It is not "Blue Plate Special" place. Instead, I chose the grilled Atlantic Salmon with a puree of cauliflower-type sauce (with a couple of subtle things for flavor that I have forgotten), on fresh steamed asparagus. If I can eat almost the whole thing, it would be a snack for Chris. All I had left to bring home was a small piece of the grilled salmon. That sane amount of food leaves room for dessert. I had a heavenly Crème Brûle. Of course, I don't complain about the water glass of house gin -- Beefeater. We finished the outing with the Kowalski's shopping. The weather was sunny and a very comfortable temp.

I missed any naps today so back to the same old refrain -- I'm going to bed early tonight. In fact, I just woke up from a doze this minute. I hate to go to bed so early, but I know I'll wake up at the "crack" tomorrow. That's not a bad idea. I want to get back to the closet purge.


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