Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Good Stuff, Again


Good example of instant karma today: I tried to talk myself out of stopping at B&N today, but failed. Then I tried to limit my purchases; failed miserably. After carrying my purchases just a short distance to the car, I was hit with a horrible backache. Still hurts. I'm sitting still and drinking lots of pain medication.

Ah, but what wonderful purchases they were... almost work the pain. B&N had a special display table for graphic novels in the center aisle, many neat things they've never carried before. Reminded me of the Goering's table at the UF Comics Conferences. I went a little nuts. Three excellent titles, one of which I've already wolfed down (burp): the stunningly wonderful American Born Chinese. Also got the next three JAM's-- Genius of the Place, Stillroom Maid, and Prisoner of Wool House. And just for good measure, I bought a couple of books I know will be bummers to read, but will be worth it: The Year of Magical Thinking (Joan Didion) and The Road (Cormac McCarthy), this latter out in paperback 6 months early, thanks to Oprah. My To Read stack runeth over.

And tomorrow is Wednesday, garsh darn it! I have scheduled myself to do service to the comics cause instead of reading them. Bad timing.

A truly beautiful day-- mid-70's, a few high cirrus clouds. After the B&N splurge I did the real errands: vitamins at Walgreens, and a case of Tanquery half-gallons from ABC: G&T season has arrived.

I tried some weird baked chicken nuggets tonight. I don't think Micky D has any worries about competition-- but on the other hand, his have about 35 ingredients, and mine about 5, the only chemical being baking soda. Dipped in ranch dressing, we found them quite edible. Just plain, the cat thought they were about the best thing she'd ever tasted, judging from her squeeks and grunts of pleasure. I whomped up a quick cole slaw, steamed some snow peas infused with fresh thyme, and made some celery and carrot sticks to share the ranch dip. This odd meal worked surprisingly well.

Shorter every day, Mom? What are you talking about, the nights? Yep, my most productive time cycle is shrinking away, and I predict it will continue to do so for another two months or so. At which time, I will celebrate the impending return of a more balanced light/heat regime.

Need to cut the night so I can spend a day at play in the fields of the comics.



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