Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

"No Name Jive"

26.IV.07 - MoM

I am starting this with split concentration, something I can do with a little effort -- the Democratic debates just started.

It is a great to have the sprinklers on again. A real plus is having the two coiled hoses built into round level boxes that are always on -- no fussing with turning on spigots. All winter I have been making numerous trips from my bathroom to the birdbath on the deck with ½ gallon jugs for both cleaning them and keeping them filled. It was so easy to get out the hose and squeeze the trigger,

I enjoy my bird watching from my desk/eating table. This spring I put out a ball of nesting stuff that I bought at the bird store and today there has been a chickadee making constant trips to it for nest building. Now that I have all a great view from my chair in the living room I am going to put a feeder in the patio. For several days there has been a phoebe (or pair) building a yearly nest just outside the window in a bend in the downspout. There is also a woodpecker working on the nearby tree. One of these days, Suzy, I'll send a picture of our Pileated woodpecker eating at the feeder last year.

I am continue to be surprised at how much can be done in FlyLady's 15 minutes. I had let a lot of stuff collect on the kitchen counters while scrubbing fountain parts and cleaning and planting the AeroGarden in the past week. Since Paige was going to be cleaning today and always washes the counters, in less than 15 minutes I had them cleared. I hereby swear that May is going to finally be the month that I "serious up" and get my bedroom/closet under control again!!!

I am still working on getting to bed earlier but was late again last night. However, I forgot my alarm so woke up late (6:30). I really caught up this afternoon with 4-fifteen minute naps. I must not be caught up yet as I am yawning and very sleepy right now so I am going to try again to get to bed early. I have my evening meal out of the way and am just finishing my 2nd drink. I just might make it tonight!

* * * * *

This is the rest of a letter from Saalfelden to Sandy and Bob on 17.XI.84

It was lovely getting back here. Even tho we were not expected, the house was warm and comfortable. We had not left a high/low thermometer out this time but it had been -3° on our digital that morning. From the cold rain last night there was fresh snow low down on the mountains this morning.

With the housecleaning and shopping in the morning, then getting a few of my records up-to-date, I have not had a chance to get the FILE disc copied and to start work on it. But I did seem to spend a lot of time fooling around with what I did. DoD is making noises about wanting some time at it to start with what I did. DoD is making noises about wanting some time at it to start some of his records so we will have to work out something.

Really nice to be able to poke in "freezer" and find out what I had left before making my meat purchases for the weekend. By the way, the "lonesome butcher" and the whole meat department is gone from Meinl. Bought all we could there but what he had was limited. We will miss him. Seem to have about filled up the page, so will get this off and write more later. Loved traveling with you -- you did well putting up with me. DoD just got back from picking up the packages that came to Herr Wontroba and we were invited to their place tomorrow afternoon. He saw the house that they built and is fabulated. They did it all, including digging the foundations by hand starting in 1947 and even built the furniture. He says that their "Florida" room is fantastic, Last line on page - more later.

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