Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

22.IV.07 - MoM

All the stuff in your yesterday's letter, Suzy, was new to me. I also don't mind hearing things over and over. Besides, I know I am guilty of repeating stuff a lot.

Sundays always get off to a slow start with so much paper to read and the TV section x-word. It was after noon when I tried to get active. I had my crutch and was set to go out to see the bulbs in the side yard. However, before I got out the door I began to feel a little strange. I decided I was going to wait and since I was also very sleepy I was going to take a few 15 minute timed naps. I also decided I was going to change out of the raggedy brown slacks and a favorite sweatshirt with raggedy cuffs. I would hate to have anyone see the comfortable ratty clothes I wear around the house. Until I can make up the material I have from my "Stretch and Sew" fabric, I don't want to wear out the few remaining slacks I have left. In a few weeks I will be wearing dresses again. My 3 back-to-back naps took care of my problem and all has been good the rest of the day. It goes with the territory when one gets old. I'm just happy that I am able to feel as well as I do and be active. I am back to normal tonight. I enjoyed the rest of the veal chop, shoestrings and some salad greens.

As I frequently say, I am going to bed early for a change, and I think this time I am really going to do it. Sunday night has nothing on TV to tempt me.

Thanks for posting my picts. Yesterday, Sandy had picked me some jonquils in front of the house that I didn't realize were there. I had put the pussy willows in a tall lavender vase but decided that I could tuck the short stemmed jonquils around the base for color. I thought it was a spring "statement" so I took some pictures.

* * * * *

This is anther of the rare letters from Suzy, dated March 2, l986.

Dear Dad and Mom,

I want to get this stuff off to you tomorrow, so will dash off a hurry-up letter. I gotta tell you, Dad, it's amazing (and very impressive, I think) that a Documents Librarian and I were able to turn this stuff up, given the information you and SuDocs supplied us! You said you'd been sent the "idiot treaty" already, so what was it you wanted? I finally decided you meant you'd been given the "idiot treatment." Do you realize how many government agencies have publications they call "Cumulative Bulletin"??? We spent about an hour going through various indexes, before stumbling on "The Internal Revenue Bulletin" sometimes called "Cumulative Bulletin." This may have seemed obvious to you, but not to us. We couldn't imagine what all those crazy number were, but with that date, I tracked down what turned out be one of two citations you gave, ie, there are two treaties, the second in 1958. At any rate, there they are, and I hope they give the information you want,.

I'm glad you got the second package, and how nice it was on D.O.D.'s birthday. What a shame that date has to be blackened hence forth by the explosion of the Challenger. It was clearly visible in Gainesville, and I'd intended to try to see it, but luckily, the delays means I was in a meeting when it happened. (Our only TV was in the living room and we frequently had dinner there for special occasions. It was quite a shock to see it there on TV.)

I turned out to have a rather nice Christmas, after all. One of my old boyfriends, Lee Shiflett, was back in Florida visiting his family. We went to the FBR Solstice party together, and he helped me build some neat shelves for my beer can collection. Between that, the new bookcases, and newly framed pictures on the wall, my place is much improved. Anyway, on Christmas Eve he called to invite me to spend Christmas with his extended family in a nearby small town, so I wasn't alone after all. Chris had sent me some beautiful Austrian crystal champagne glasses, so I was forced to keep up that particular family tradition.



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