Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My sprinklers can't come too soon -- yard is so dry

19.IV.07 - MoM

Today, I had doors open and only a short time with the fireplace to take the chill off the front room. I haven't had the other heaters on for several days. I do keep the heat on low in my bathroom in case of getting up in the night. I leave my bedroom door open at night and during the day some. However, I am still using my "winter" down comforter and put on the mattress pad heater on sometimes during the night. I am still sleeping in a light flannel nightgown. Really good sleeping temps.

I took a walk around the patio and the redesigned side yard today. I did use one crutch and it worked fine. Ted had planted many, many bulbs last fall and there are many up. However, not a lot of the jonquils are showing blooms on the way. That warm spell we had earlier followed by more cold and snow came at a bad time, I think.

I didn't make as much progress today as yesterday, but I did have several delightful back to back naps in Lafuma in the sunroom with the glass on the doors open making for perfect napping temperature.

Later, I did manage to do a FL 15 minute or so sorting/tossing/saving (a very small bit) from a sack of stuff from our Jan/Feb trip to CA. Thank goodness, most was tossable.

When we lived in WVA we had a great variety of birds -- many more kinds than I have here. Charlie is the bird authority and Sandy has been learning from him. Today with the sun on the feeder, I had a very red male cardinal sharing the feeder with a now yellow finch. I was sorry that I didn't have my camera handy. The past couple of years our Palliated woodpecker has been back and was eating at the feeder instead of pecking huge holes in some of our trees.

I am glad I had a chance to see Sandy and Charlie's kitchen a few weeks ago with the makeshift island removed so enjoyed seeing the cabinet frames. It will really be quite spectacular when it is finished. I remember what fun it was to watch each of our various kitchens became reality. Once in a while we toy with the idea of redoing my little kitchen here. One of my favorites was in Saalfelden. I loved the stove there -- the oven pulled out like a drawer -- no stooping to peek in, easy to lift our the food or to put it in without getting burned.

In the envelope of letters that I have been copying from, were copies of your "Top Ten," "Bottom 15." etc. "George Michael" caught my attention and I enjoyed your comments about him. It wasn't too long after our arrival in RF, I had "discovered" him and wanted his "Faith" tape. I also remember liking "Kissing a Fool." I have forgotten the other cuts but there were a lot I liked. I am afraid that my tapes in my bedroom are probably no longer good. I know my Berlitz no longer plays. I wanted to buy "Faith," so one day when I was shopping in the Cities with Sandy and Marty, we went to a record store. The clerk got a kick out of an old lady wanting that tape. I had forgotten it -- I must get it out and see if it still works.

It is getting late so I am going to save copying your letter to us after you arrived back home from your visit with us till tomorrow. It's late - more later.


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