Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Notes for a Future Post


Not sure I can put together a coherent blog post tonight. A full day at the library, around so many people, in such an emotionally charged atmosphere really took it out of me.

I will make myself some notes, to get back to when the energy is renewed:
  • Finished the Box From Hell (2000 AD, a British zine, origin of Judge Dredd)
  • Lunch at Ashley's with Barbara. Travel/cruise talk
  • Got a crock thing started early
  • Remember to dispose of spices (especially curry) responsibly
  • BBC News to the rescue
Other stuff. Which I'm sure I'll remember eventually.

Once again, I guessed badly wrong about the weather, and wore a short sleeved knit top, just a blazer over it. (Oh yeah, slacks too, etc.) Expected it to be like yesterday only warmer. Surprise: It was colder, and, miraculously, rainy. The rain was very very welcome, but coupled with the steady rain, very winter-like and sick-making. Immediately upon getting home, I piled on the full winter clothes, still wearing them and they feel good. What intensely strange weather is this for April 18 in Florida?

I enjoyed hearing about your efforts today, Mom, especially the stuff about the various bird feeders. Please keep us informed about what birds you see, where and when. I love to hear about this stuff. It was also interesting to hear about your sodium count for the day. It is truly amazing how much salt is added to make commercial convenience food taste better.

Which reminds me: a book I bought yesterday but forgot to mention was Great Food Fast, a compilation from Everyday Food. I'm glad to have it! There have been some wonderful recipes in that little mag. The book, though, is very heavy, and was most likely the straw that literally broke this camel's back. The camel needs to take it easy tomorrow and then get back to some gentle stretching and T'ai Chi.

Tonight's Word: Gentle

New word tomorrow.


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

What BBC news do you watch? We get a daily half-hour program on PBS called BBC World, of which we are extremely fond. Do you get that?


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