Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007



The new Cuisine At Home arrived this week, and there on the cover was the answer to the day marked "something with hamburger" on the menu plan. I made: "Outrageous Stuffed Pimento Cheese and Bacon Burgers." I could only eat half mine-- they were half-pounders plus-- and Bill didn't think the slice of Vidalia onion embedded in his was cooked enough, but other than that, they were pretty darn good. And utterly sinful, for me, at least. Had turnip fries and some mushrooms I needed to use up quickly sauteed in the bacon grease. Not a green thing to be seen, a rare occurrence.

One more day (of the cooking week) to go. I made a quick trip to Publix this pm and found the beef tenderloin they were out of Saturday, so I have something quick to cook tomorrow night.

Doing well with my attempts to start dinner earlier so I have time to clean up as I go, and get the kitchen completely clean early in the evening.

Still working on the "Get to bed at a decent hour" dictum. Made it to bed by 1:00, the target, but failed to wake up at 8:15 as planned. Forgot to set an alarm, and Bill went in much later than usual, which threw off my backup alarm (his shower). We will keep trying.

Tomorrow I have to be up early so I can hitch a ride to the Comics Collection. I THINK I'm through with the rough index, and ready to do a crude first sort. The file is just under 14,000 lines-- some of those represent boxes of clippings, not comics, but it's safe to say that we have over 13,000 comics. I handled over a thousand of them the past few weeks.

Fool that I am, I've started reading The Road. I am sure to have terrible dreams-- or I should say, another round of the ones I've had in the past.

Always nice to read a letter from Chris. Thanks, Mom. And how nice to have Charlie to help with things and bring you Happy Meals... :-) Enjoy your spring flowers and the rest of your beautiful yard. Pictures, please!


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