Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Here and Now


Not even a placeholder for Mom tonight. Lotsa Flies has suddenly become a lonely place.

Good day playing with the comics. Have entered all that I know about, including a new batch of Doom Patrol that appeared out of nowhere this morning. Now begins the less-fun part: the daunting task of de-duping. We will keep 2 copies of any one comic (one being the backup). Any 3rd copy or more will need to find other homes. No way to tell this until I restructured the spreadsheet so it could be sorted. I get to look at each and every line-- 14,000+ in all, to find these. Next step will be pulling them from the 213 boxes where they currently live.

Still learning my phone/PDA thingy. It knows so many cool tricks. Bill is even able to make it take half decent pictures, such as this lovely look at our domestic chaos. I can't hold still long enough to keep things sharp. This nice sharp picture shows my relatively short coffee table stack (Including the cookbook I used today, on top) and my unfinished cup of espresso. Out of the picture on the right is four stacks of Bill's media influx, all higher than mine. Alas, I couldn't do it justice. Yet. At any rate, this is what it looks like in Chez Covey mere hours ago.

The Sweep Steak pot roast I tossed in the crock pot this morning turned out remarkably well. I took the time to make the thick gloppy gravy that Bill likes. Now the fridge overflows with leftovers: besides the roast, there's the last of the sun-dried meatloaf, the fried chicken, a huge chunk of last week's Outback steak (a special that was basted in espresso).

Well, Mom, we are all wishing you well. Bill has all kinds of questions about your condition and your care that it would never occur to me to ask (he's the son of two M.D.'s, of course). We will be keeping a close eye on your treatment and your recovery. When I met Bill in his office this afternoon, his fellow directors had heard about it, and were very concerned. They send you their best wishes too. As usual, when I told them even a little bit about you, they thought you must be one of the most remarkably spunky creatures around. And little do they know!

Get better soon. You're nothing if not a fighter. Fight on-- we're all with you.


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