Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Rain Lily


Exhausted, but in a good way. Another splendiferous day, at least in the morning. Another two circuits around the circle. If the weather were always this good, I'd never have any problems exercising. Took the phone with me, played a bit more with the camera. Enough to realize that I need to sit down and RTFM. Part of it is it's not that great of a camera, but most of it is user ignorance. (Sounds like you and I are on the same page with new cameras, Mom, except I've had mine for six months already!)

Coolest thing was while walking around the side of the house to try to photo the blooming mimosa tree, I stumbled on a beautiful little Rain Lily. I was astonished-- I'd thrown out some bulbs there about 8 years ago that I'd never gotten around to planting. One came up a year later, then nothing for at least 5 years-- I'd forgotten all about them. Finding this made me quite unreasonably happy! Here's the blurry picture of took of it.

Did 3 loads of wash (including towels) and folded a load of Bill's stuff. Also carpet-swept, this week's token Blessing (so far).

Made a really strange thing no-carb for dinner: Deep Dish Pizza Quiche. The crust (baked separately first) was mostly a mix of grated Italian cheeses and some eggs. Then topped like a regular pizza and baked again. It was astonishingly good, and Bill absolutely loved it. Pretty good spinach salad as a side. Nice to have a success after the mediocre meal last night. Speaking of which, I was able to correct the faux-spud salad at lunch today with a few splashes of vinegar and some salt.

Twittered away again today. Someone I don't know, a librarian in Santa Fe, NM, actually added me as a "friend." That was exciting. Also, the Library Leader-person disagreed with a comment I tossed off about a slick catalog front-end product. I was thrilled to be noticed!

Of course, I loved hearing Dad's take on that infamous '85 trip. It never occurred to me he would be so chagrined at the various train mix-ups. To me, it seemed what one should expect when traveling abroad. It was fun remembering all those details. Of course, he left out what was my favorite of the Paris leg: Giverny. I loved Burgos too, and remember that evening promenade very fondly. We never would have gone there but for that train mix-up.

More to say... will pick up the thread tomorrow.


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