Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Smoke and Mirrors


Apologies in advance for this barely comprehensible post.

Head exploding. Long day of work with the comics. Couple hundred new ones arrived as a gift since I'd last been in. All in mint, some sealed, but many dups. Gift to a church, probably from a comics shop; church was embarassed by them.) Most of the time spent sorting, some with data entry. Saw the new place where comics will be housed-- about the same as now, but more remote from the public reading space. No funds. Ah God, there is so much to be done here. Do I really want to commit so much time and energy to a garden that is mostly weeds?

Lunch with Barbara. Tacos at Ashley's. She is about to go off on yet another cruise, with another subset of her kids/grandkids. Talk of Burger Death vs Micky-Dee breakfasts sets off the Update. The question I should have asked: How is John? was answered in staggering detail. Film at 11.

Continue playing with Twitter. Now have a Friend to help explore. Things keep spinning faster-- have to keep moving closer to the center (where supposedly it is still) just to avoid falling off entirely. Which sometimes seems like a good idea.

Got up in time this am to toss stuff in the crock pot to make Sausage and Cabbage Soup. Nice to come home to food ready to go, and reasonably unladen with industrial waste.

It was smoky again today. The fires are far from out, and the amount of particulate in the air changes by the minute, but mostly... not good. Hate to say this, but breathing all this smoke makes me want to light up a cigarette or two-- I mean as long as I have to breathe smoke, why not add some good stuff to the mix... No! No! Geez, it's true: I'll always be a recovering smoker, never an ex-smoker, let alone a non-smoker.

Glad to hear you northern Flies had such a good day. Nice to know somewhere the air is clear and people are out and about and breathing freely.


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