Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

From summer back to spring overnight

15.V.07 - MoM

We really are having rollercoaster weather. After our 90° yesterday, it barely got to 60° briefly. It was back to slacks, turtleneck and sweatshirt. I even had the fireplace on for a short time mid-day while I took my 2 back to back 15-minute naps in my chair. I had the worst night sleep-wise in a long time. I was not in a lot of pain, but just wide-awake. I put on the summer comforter last night but will be back to the heavier one tonight.

Even though I had read the AeroGarden instructions about "pruning" my tomato plants I misunderstood and trimmed the wrong branches but so far I am keeping them going but I'm not sure for how long. However, some of the many blossoms are now teeny tiny tomatoes. I am going to order a new seed kit to have on hand if these don't work. My Tumbling Tom on the deck is blooming like crazy. I need to look closer to see if any have set yet.

I can hardly wait for my camera to arrive! I haven't had any e-mail progress on it from Amazon since they let me know they had my order. I will be inspired to take pictures again. I am not having flocks of birds but I do not spend a lot of my time intently watching the feeders. This morning, I happened to see an oriole at the grape jelly at the front feeder, and just a little while ago, a humming bird at the patio feeder. Sandy and Charlie have a lot more birds with all of their woods.

I couldn't refer to my washing as Mt Washmore, but decided that I might as well take care of the 2 little "hills" I had. It gave me enough of a push to decide I would start on the 2+ foot collection of stuff on the ironing board in the hall of my bedroom. It is now completely clear, but I do have one grocery sack that I added to the major mess on and around the cocktail table and sofa in there to sort next session.

I expect to sleep tonight. Sandy and Charlie are coming by tomorrow to do some more on my fountain. Charlie has a dental appointment and Sandy and I are going to shop for plants.

I have a call in to Chris to see how Kay did with her surgery. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't spend his night at the hospital.

* * * * *

I am trying to get back to copying stuff from the past as my days, in general, are so dull I need something to spark them. This is a letter from Chris, dated 10/6/87, Tue aft - 13/87

Dear Mom and DoD,

Please accept usual protestations of guilt for not writing sooner. Nothing is really new, so there's been no real urge. Now it's bowling season again and I'm at the before-bowling bar awaiting for the rest of my team. It's a new team only one that I've bowled with before -- they're all associated with the big NBS complex, so we're called the Five Mega Flops (a flop is jargon for floating-point operation). We’re doing really well so far although I have only had one good week so far. What's new this year is that after ignoring them for 10 years, I've gone statistics crazy. I've created two data bases: One with games, dates & lanes only and the other a frame-by-frame record of what I've done this year. This last one is the most interesting -- I keep lane, where I stood on 1st ball, where the ball hit, the pins left, a classification code to identify splits, what 2nd ball I used (I've started using a lighter 2nd ball sometimes -- a house ball!), and what I leave after 2nd ball, and if a miss, what side. This info only takes a few seconds a frame to record, and so far, after 12 games has yielded some interesting results. Can't tell what it's done to my bowling yet. For the 12 games I am averaging what I've averaged over the last 10 years: 175. I've got about all the games I've bowled in that league (over 800) in the first data base I mentioned, and the conclusion I've reached after analyzing it is that there has no general improvement or otherwise. I've bowled as many games over 200 as under 175. A very symmetrical distribution. All this helps me take the long view whenever I do particularly bad. Enough on bowling.

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