Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Birds, Birds, Birds

10.V.07 - MoM

From all I heard on MSNBC all day today, it sounds as if you aren't going to get any relief from that "sub-tropical" disturbance. I hadn't realized how much of Florida was on fire. Really scary. That continued smoky and hot air must really be so distressing. They were threatening us with 90°s for today, but the highest I had as was 83°. This was the warmest day (in The Cities) since last August. It wasn't humid and is supposed to be back to about 51° tonight.

I did a repeat of one of my dumbest tricks this afternoon. I shook the large carton of orange juice then had something else to do for a minute, came back and picked it up a shook it vigorously -- OOPS -- I had forgotten that I had removed the cap in between. I hate it when I do that. And, today was Paige day so I had it on my clean floor.

My new bird complex it a real success. They love it! A hummingbird has discovered the feeder there. But the high point was having an Indigo Bunting, a darling little bright blue bird, at the feeder. I have had them at the front feeder some years, but not the last year or so. While Sandy was picking up a few groceries for this weeks shopping for me, she was near the WB Store, so she went in to get an oriole jelly feeder for the new set up. She also got me another "arm" for the basic set up -- a wrought iron "branch with leaves," something I had always admired and wanted. This really covers all bird possibilities. I will have a picture soon. I have decided on the camera to get and will order it from Amazon tomorrow.

I didn't get around to much FL time in my bedroom. A year or so ago, I had taken my large collection of knitting needles out of a drawer in my closet because I saw mouse droppings and I had put then in a box and added it to the mess. At least, they are now sorted and back the drawer. That was a true, simple FL baby step and one less box.

I did a tiny baby step toward planting the things I bought last week -- I potted 3 little bright red geraniums and put the pot out in the "bog" (the former fish pond) for a little color there. This is the first year of the new lilies of the valley that Ted planted near there. The leaves are huge but no flowers. I seem to remember that they don't always bloom the first year. I have some each year up near the storage barn, but I am not anxious to hobble up there as there is poison ivy in the area. I have only had it once since we lived here with the same serious results that I used to get from poison oak in CA.

I was so sleepy at 5:30 p.m., that I was going to take a timed 15 min nap. I forgot to press the time and woke up at 6:15. Ugh. I guess not to fret as at 9:00, I'm sleepy already, again. Back to Saalfelden addition tomorrow night.


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