Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Dry Lightning


Some thunder in the late afternoon, but alas, no rain. Tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to get cooler again, but all things considered, we'd rather have the rain, especially since the dry lightning increases the fire hazzard. There are dozens of fires burning in the area now. When all the swampy lushness dries out, it's tinderbox city.

I got bills written and menus planned, but did not get out to shop. Tomorrow for that. Had a meal I'd had planned for several weeks: beef tenderloin browned then roasted in the oven for 10 minutes, finished with a brandy/broth sauce. It was pretty good, though more well done than I prefer. The cat loved it. Used the Cuisinart for a traditional cukes/onions salad-- the Vidalia's really make a difference-- and broiled some tomato halves with garlic, olive oil, Italian herbs and Parmesan. My favorite thing to do with almost past-it tomatoes.

Very glad to hear you took it easy today, Mom. I hope you can make a habit of restful, guilt-free weekends. Daily routines, yes; but take a break from the weekly decluttering. That's my plan.

Been reading library magazines tonight, and getting back into Genius of the Place, my current JAM. It's nearly 2:00 AM. No wonder I'm sleepy.


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