Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dragon at the Gate


I knew things were going too well. As I was headed into the great room this morning to declutter, timer in hand and carrying some other stuff, I tripped over the box of clutter I'd set out for Bill to put in the trash Monday. Since I forgot to tell him exactly where it was, he didn't see it. And today, neither did I. I hit the floor hard on my left knee and left hand. Huge bruise on the heel of my hand and a gaping hole the size of a dime just below the kneecap. (And yes, I WAS wearing my lace-up shoes. Coulda been worse.)

I was relieved nothing was broken, of course. I will spare you the bloody details (and there was plenty of blood the rest of the afternoon, you betcha). This is a kind of event I recognize and call "Dragon at the Gate" -- a setback that happens as you set out on a major project or quest. A test of how badly you really want to do this. And how appropriate, that it's a box of clutter that literally tripped me up. Well, clutter, you can't stop me that easily. I took a vow! This is Clutter's Last Stand.

As soon as I got myself more or less patched up and calmed down, I picked up the timer, grabbed the knife and went to work flattening boxes for 15 minutes. A noticeable improvement. Progress. Go me.

Wasn't much up for cooking, so did a last minute Plan B: 20 Minute Tuscan Soup with the last of the frozen Beef Stuff. Probably won't make any more until Fall, as it's not good hot weather fare. I love having the leftovers for lunch, though.

Before the Big Spill, I'd gotten up at a decent hour, morning routines done. I resubbed to Mrs Smarty Pants including a personal profile. Thinking I was going to need a tape measure (which turns out, I didn't), I started opening boxes in the dead-to-me half of the closet in my study looking for one I know I have. And started tossing stuff from those boxes, most of it grocery receipts from 5-10 years ago. Sorting some other stuff to keep. Made myself stop after about half an hour, and put stuff back, but there are several square feet more in that area now than when I started.

Did everyone see the pictures of the collapse of the I-80 and I-580 interchange in downtown Oakland?! That is going to make getting between Alameda and Thea's, um... problematic at best. To say nothing of getting anywhere in or out of Oakland, period. Bummer. I'll bet the ferry gets suddenly very popular.

Hee hee-- have you been following FL's walk across America today? They are thinking way too small. Coast to coast and back in a single day. Need to start walking pole to pole in east and western hemispheres, then around the equator. After that, better head for the planets. The moon (and back) first, then Mars. See what's left in the FL tank for walks to the outer planets after that. Or maybe a stroll around the Sun (wearing asbestos lace-ups) is in order.

Working through the Sunday crossword this week. We don't always get a Sunday paper, but when we do, I always give it a look, and if I can solve one or two words right away, I sometimes keep going. The poetry quotes are giving me fits, though. I haven't got a single one of them yet. Without solving the big subject ones, it's almost impossible to complete Sunday puzzles.

Not too much pain tonight, as long as I don't move. Walking is fine, but sitting down or standing up is agony. Not sure I'll be able to go into work tomorrow, as I don't think I'm ready to expose the knee to the shower just yet. And who knows what additional aches will show up tomorrow.

Ah, a dose or two of my favorite pain killer, and I'm feeling much better. Let's hear it for St. Gin the Divine.


At 7:31 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

owie ow ow!!

My sympathy!

Falling down and skinning (or in this case gouging) one's knee ain't what it used to be.


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