Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lots of exercise today!

29.IV.07 - MoM

I started the day off slowly, as usual on a Sunday, with the TV guide X-word, and all the other features of the StarTrib. However, after a couple of naps in the middle of the day, I decided to see what I could do about the magazines I thought might be added to Marty's sale. It was one of those things that is not easy to just do a little bit. I was at it for over two hours and have hardly scratched the surface. I was going to try to put them in ziplocs for a year at a time (6 issues). After seeing how many Reminiscence and Country Living there are, I might think about donating them to a long time care facility and limit the ones for Marty to the cooking selection. I think lugging them to the front room sofa from the walk in closet one reasonable armload at a time, was good exercise for me.

Currently, I am waiting for my Salisbury Steak TV dinner to be done, then will have my gin after. Later: Even though my taste buds continue to go downhill, I did manage to eat all of it. One dinner used to last me two meals. I wonder if they are making them smaller. I finished off with ice cream. Now I can enjoy my drinks even though I am starting them at 7:30 p.m.

Sandy, I remembered my other accomplishment besides managing to raise the grow lamp -- I finally managed to reset the on/off time of both lamps (I think). I will know better tonight at 9:30, I think it is. (I started to bed earlier than usual last night.)

Spring is really here -- I wore a dress for the first time this year and enjoyed wearing my thong sandals and letting me feet breathe! If this continues I may get out my "summer" lace ups (a size smaller that I can wear without sox). I hate having my toes all cramped up in sox and shoes.

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This is the rest of the letter continued from yesterday's blog. I think it is from Saalfelden perhaps around 17.XI.07.

Could not find a birthday card at the last minute for Herb, so sent him greetings on the Pope card from Frankfurt.

Just called Computerland and they say that they sent REPORT out today and I will have it in tomorrow's mail. I really don't believe anything they say anymore and with Wednesday a holiday, I might get it on Friday or so. The Manual is due to arrive in a shipment from Apple this week. I will believe it when I see it. Have decided to get on with my Christmas letters and work further on FILE when they are done and I can give it full concentration. Worked into "Search/Update" but need to go thru it some more and really did not understand all I should for printing. This was just with their examples. So, I will do the Christmas letters with WORD and work out fancy stuff for next year. Since I have been leaving your letter in memory, it could go on forever, as I add a bit more every time I come in to do other things. I just changed the margins on this portion so have a few more lines to work with.

Have the Christmas letter written and have started printing them. Have worked it out so I can use both sides of the paper, carry over the last few lines or the canned part, then have plenty of room for the personal stuff. I find it harder to cramp things into the small space left for some of the people that I need to write more to. I do a small bunch of the 1st side, then tear off a batch and run page 2 after I have the personal message. Can't do it easily to this letter as I had torn off the edges. Could hand feed, however. Will probably use both sides for long letters in the future.

Enough for now. We did not need to go shopping today (Tuesday the 20th) so did not get this in the mail. Want to have it ready for tomorrow's shopping trip. Hope you did not get the flu. Our love, to Bob.



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