Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ho Hum -- Just another day more or less

28.IV.07 - MoM

Another perfect day for temperature. No need for heat or cooling. It was in the mid-70s. I am glad to have the Venetian shades in what was the bar that we installed soon after we arrived. We haven't used them a lot but the sun was blinding me on my left so they really helped.

In the morning, I finished up and mailed the rest of the few checks I write each month. Since I mostly use the laptop by my chair in the living room, the OIB is so handy. My desk is still staying neat, but I like using the new laptop instead of the older one at my desk. Besides, I can put my feet up in the recliner there.

I took care of a couple of weeks washing. It is so easy to hang it up and or put it away at once. Wouldn't it have been nice If I had done that in Los Altos, instead of having the pile in the corner for the family to dive into to find what they needed. Where was FL when I needed her. I still have several Sunset books on the subject of daily routines that are a kick. I always started at full bore but it only lasted a few days.

I managed do a little more on the closet on one of the shelves. I kept it to a reasonable amount of time and managed to toss some. I have an added incentive to pour it on this week. I am trying come up as much as I can for Marty's yard sale next weekend. Better for her to have it than Goodwill.

Only had time for a quick 15-minute nap before calling Thea today. Looking forward to bed tonight. Thank goodness her own ears and the telephone were working today.

* * * * *

This is a continuation of a previous letter to Sandy and there is no date. However, I think it was Dec of 1984.

Well, since this did not get mailed over the weekend and we did not hear from you before you left, I will enclose the letters with this. But, what are we to do with the two music tapes that came from J. Lindell of Stillwater, Minn.?

Our visit with the Wontrobas was very nice and they were so thrilled (the only word that fits) to have us. They thanked us so much for coming! And we were invited back for Christmas. We were asked our preference of days -- the first day of Christmas or the second day of Christmas. Chose the 2nd day. Frau Wontroba had learned a little English many years ago in school but has forgotten it. She does understand a little and knows a few words. Her sister was very good in languages and laughed at her attempts so she put it out of her mind. Herr Wontroba was just here to fix the water leak in the basement and before I could tell him how much we enjoyed our visit, he was thanking us for visiting them.

Got the FILE disc copied and began work on FILE yesterday. Have been trying to get DoD to start on WORD but he wants to read all of the stuff first so I am still getting time on the machine. Took one of the house pictures in today for a Christmas card Can you believe they expect to have them ready on Thursday of Friday of this week, even tho there is a holiday on Wednesday? Hope all of the picture fits on the only style of card we saw. They are cropping out the houses on the right, but hope they leave the little bit of mountain that shows. (For some reason my calendar shows a holiday on Wednesday, but the garbage did not go early, so guess it is wrong.)

Need to get back to work on FILE as I want to see if I can work it out for feeding into the Christmas letter. I have thought of a bunch of uses for it already. Was able to format another disc for WORD without going thru any stuff frm the Manual. Do not need it yet but glad to know that it is easy to do. Also, had no problem formatting one for file.



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