Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Two Treasures


My big accomplishment the past two days has been to get the entire kitchen floor scrubbed. I figured out how to divide the room in half and move all the furniture to one half and turn Scooba loose on the other. Worked great! One half yesterday, the other today. A very noticable improvement. This has been a good week as far as Blessing the house goes.

As for improving my sleep patterns, not so much. Got to bed at a decent hour last night, but woke with a horrible sinus headache around 4:00, which kept me awake til about 6:00. So instead of being up at 8:15, it was 10:15. Sigh. I'll keep trying. Didn't even try to go into the Lib this afternoon.

Sounds like you got quite a lot done in your bedroom, Mom-- 3 hours, though! That is a recipe for Crash & Burn. I wish you would use your timer and pace yourself.

Oh, you meant Red Lobster (the restaurant) biscuits. Mystery solved.

It's the end of spring semester here, so Outback was packed last night with year end parties. We are looking forward to the deadest two weeks of the year-- between spring and summer terms-- and summer is more laid back than the rest of the year. During this period, the town ALMOST works the way it used to, before the campus population exploded from 14 to 50 thousand students. Traffic will be bearable, as will shopping, parking, restaurants, etc. Of course, the weather will be unbearable, but it's a small price to pay. Sorta. Maybe.

And that unbearable weather has suddenly hit us. I'm hoping you Wisconsinites find yourselves with at least one last cold snap that will trickle its way down to us a few days later. Just a few decent days before the descent into the hellish would be really nice. Part of the impetus to get the floors clean is so we can pad around barefoot on them without encountering anything truly nasty.

The mail brought me two treasures today: one was volume 11 of the Complete Bab 5 Scripts, with the most heart-wrenching commentary yet from JMS. It is amazing how he survived that ordeal between the 4th and 5th seasons. And "Sleeping in Light," well... I've never been able to watch it a second time, because it devastated me so when I first saw it.

The other was volume two of the Chris Ware-designed Walt & Skeezix, if anything, more beautiful than the first. It makes a great antidote to The Road, which I've discovered is even harder to read when the bleak misery is punctuated by something good. (Not sure I'll be able to finish this one.)

I am not prepared for the weekly shop tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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At 8:02 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Volume II of Walt & Skeezix! Be still, my heart!

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

And Volume III is available for pre-order on Amazon, too! :-) No indication of pub date, though.


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