Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Whew! Whew!

27.IV.07 - MoM

If I could do this every day for a little while, I might get caught up. I made sure that the kitchen, especially the sink was shining, first thing this morning. (Of course, no one should look in my pantry.) After my usual morning goof off -- the newspaper, eating, a nap, etc., and my liquid food intake, I decided that I was going to try to do a little bit on the closet.

I thought I might start on the box and sack of travel "trickies," so I brought out the sack first. Eventually, I am going to see if "Turning Point" is interested in them. I soon decided to let sorting them wait for a little longer. But, I did get into combining partly full boxes and stacking some neatly against the wall under the rack of short clothes. I also made up a box of fancy sacks. There is an oversized box on one of the shelves, so will combine them when I get further along. Typical of the contents was a sack from the gift shop at Windsor Castle.

Under stacks of stuff, I finally had to confront a horror I was trying to forget. Late last summer Sandy brought me a beautiful sack of little cucumbers to make dills. The big crock was to large so I had put them in my 6 quart (I think it is) crockpot that I no longer used as I wasn't making salt free soup for DoD. We had messed up on the recipe a little so I wasn't holding our much hope for them. Then my broken hip happened and little by little things began to pile up on top of it till it was well buried. And, it didn't smell at all. I thought of it once in a while but quickly put it out of my mind. Finally, today I had worked my way down to it so decided to bite the bullet and take the red plastic bag off of it. There was still some sort of slimmey liquid over the plate that held them under, but there was no bad odor. Although, it was heavier than what I normally try to lift, but once I started to the kitchen with it, I knew I had to follow thru no matter what. At the last I was chanting, "I think I can, I think I can." I managed to dump the contents into the sink and the disposal took care of the rest. It washed out well, but I am going to run it in the DW tonight. I continued to work slowly on the closet for a total of about 3 hours. The ironing board and the sitting end of the bedroom is still a horrendous mess, but I have a real feeling of satisfaction from the good start on the closet. I will be leaving the door open to it for a while now to encourage me to continue.

I had my evening meal tonight before my drinks again. I get in a rut -- had a repeat of the Buffalo Wings, but more of them, a couple of the Red Lobster biscuits, and some blanched broccoli. Did I answer your earlier question about them?

It was a lovely 75° today -- perfect working weather.


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