Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Hot & Smoky


This will be a short one. I was Little Suzy Homemaker all day-- Got up at a decent hour, got the house completely Blessed (on Monday, yet), worked in Zone 5 (hauled out the impossibly heavy and unweildy Dirt Devil and, after evicting the cat, vacuumed the TV-room carpet).

Made a very strange thing for dinner-- Leanne calls it "Wild Rice and Blue Cheese Skillet" but I call it "One Weird Frittata." It called for no salt, so I added plenty at the table; Bill doused his in Cholula hot sauce. We were both well fed; the cat, however, had issues with this particular dish.

Made a four bean salad to go with it, with the leftover string beans from last night. It all went together rather well. I'd made the wild rice in plenty of time, and it was my first use of the wild rice Sandy brought down a year ago. It was outstanding! I was eating it out of the pot as it cooled, before it had a chance to make it into the frittata.

Air hot and very smoky again today. Turns out it's not local fires, but the big one in Georgia, over 100 miles away. Weather conditions are unfortunately right for blowing it all down on us.

Hugely enjoying the Walt & Skeezix race with Avery from NYC to SF. What a joy! No wonder people loved that strip so passionately.

Thanks for transcribing Sharon Workman's narrative, Mom. It's a great contribution to the family history here at Lotsa Flies. I know I've said it before, but we came close to having Lee Shaw be a part of our family tree-- his sister Dianne "dated" a Workman boy while we were visiting in Iowa way back when.

Also, thanks for the intelligence about bread machines. I'm encouraged that your liked your original one so well. I will keep looking into them, and also into a decent slicer for bread and meat both.

This afternoon I listened for awhile to the 40's station. More about this tomorrow. Wrote a long email message earlier tonight, so I'm already typed out... surprised I'm still able to say...



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