Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Too bad I am not keeping track of Fl toss pounds

3.V.07 - MoM

Well, I am approx FOUR HUNDRED. mostly cooking mags. lighter! (That includes 100, give or take a few, that I had given Jan earlier this week. I found enough boxes, and made computer labels for them. Far too many of them had never been out of their mailers. At the last minute, I decided to keep the Country Discovery series and the Birds and Blooms, for now.

I thought the boxes were too heavy for Nate to lift, so I took them out and put them in numbered sacks, each so heavy I could not lift them. Of course, he could carry 2 sacks at a time. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the called for showers tomorrow and Saturday do not happen even though we have been dry for so long.

That must have been quite a fall, Suzy. I can't believe all that you managed to do yesterday when you were all banged up! Your FL efforts give me encouragement and I should be able get the living room good again tomorrow afternoon, then Saturday really dig in to the bedroom mess. I made it even worse dumping some boxes I needed for magazines.

You had your first fall when you were about minus-3 months. Do you remember that little porch outside the kitchen on Rose Street with stairs that went both ways -- to the back yard and to the front of the house? One day I was carrying a watermelon (and you) and fell down them to the cement on the way to the front. We were both lucky that day.

I was always crazy about "Skyliner." We still have the LPs and at one time here I think DoD had a turntable working out in the garage and played them while he was working out there. I think we still have some of the "wire" things. My stint on Wally King with the "dollar for dollar" commercial with the extra drum beat that that Ed, the engineer added when I told him it was Chris' favorite, is on it. I have heard of people that can sometimes rescue them. With the heat and cold I doubt if they have survived.

May baskets were big in the middle of the country, at least. I think at one time they were for shy boys and or girls to get up early, pick some flowers, like violets or lilies of the valley, put them in "baskets" made of colored paper, with string to put over the door knob. The idea was to sneak up with them, hang them, ring the bell and disappear to leave him/her guessing. Dot and I usually hung them on our grandparents door. I don't remember it being done in CA. I must try to remember to ask Thea about it when I talk to her Saturday.

After my morning efforts and after Nate had been here, I rested while reading the local weekly paper. I am about back to normal again. Just have to clean up the mess that is left from several days or sorting in the living room. Except for Christmas tree decorating time, it is the only other time it has been messy since it was finished. Tomorrow, Sandy's free time to take me shopping is first thing in the morning, as she has another school to visit in the afternoon, so it will stay messy till afternoon. I hope to find some bird feeder stuff for the patio so I can also watch them from my chair in the living room, too.

Chris called today and they are back from Spain. It was not the trip they had hoped for. After a couple of days during which they slept a lot getting over serious jet lag, Chris was very violently sick for a couple of days after eating the dinner at the welcoming dinner. He managed to recoup enough attend the rest. They did get in some sightseeing before they left for home, but by then Kay was sick and can hardly croak. She is supposed to have back surgery on 15th of May, if her health is okay.

I'm ready for bed and expect to sleep well.


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