Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"Owie" is Right


Whoa-- everything hurts today! Especially neck and shoulder on the right side, and left hip. In other words, no way to lie down comfortably. Simple things like shaking my head a bit to get hair out of my eyes while cooking are agony. A lot like whiplash, which is what it is, in a way. I know tomorrow is going to be even worse, but it should start to get better after that. Have not wanted to take any pain meds because the knee is still bleeding. Some of the worst bruises don't show at all. Yet.

I hobbled around, getting routines done, another 15 minutes dealing with the flattened boxes and deflating packing air bags in the ground floor attic known as the great room. Spent about an hour on the comics spreadsheet, and made some good progress with it. And think I have a handle on how to keep it updated.

For dinner I made something called Aegean Chicken tonight-- breasts pounded thin, cut in half, sauteed and topped with Kasseri cheese and tapenade, finished with a little white wine and garlic sauce. Pretty good, although the bottled tapenade I used was old and not very good. I shoulda made my own. Leftover 4 Bean Salad and Cauli-Rice went well with this.

Mom, I forgot to mention yesterday what memories were stirred by your mention of the little kids hanging a paper May Day basket on the door. I had completely forgotten that until now, and in fact, the memory is very faint but vivid. Did you teach us to do that? Was it something you did as a kid, a tradition all but lost? Please tell us what you remember about this.

As for the 40's station I mentioned Monday: Our DirecTV satellite subscription includes some 80 music channels, a selection of XM satellite radio. I have a few I know I like. When I couldn't find any baseball to watch while cooking Monday afternoon, I started sampling others. I hit on the 40's/Big Band station and was hooked. I'd say I recognize 99 out of 100 songs they play, and a great many of the singers. The good part about it is, they display the artist, song title, and CD title for each thing they play. They also occasionally run old newscasts for today's date some time in the 40's, and some old commercials. It's a hoot. Kind of like KSFO without the DJ's. And I have a whole new set of things stuck in my head. The most persistent is "Skyliner," a tune I recognized but didn't know the name of, but knew most of the lyrics ("Hurrying home to you..."). Interestingly, Bill knows almost as many of the songs as I do-- he's quite the Big Band fan.

Goal for tomorrow: Get out of bed. Carefully. We'll see what comes next after that.


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