Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, May 04, 2007

A fun day!

4.V.07 - MoM

You must have been hurting to give up your dinner out but I can understand it! I hope you have improved at lot today. This morning I brushed my teeth, etc., standing in front of the large mirror and started the day. A little later, I went into the front bathroom to get a box of Kleenex and happened to see myself in the mirror. I could not believe that I had not noticed earlier that I had a real, honest to God black eye! Then I remembered that when I had been getting some mags off of a high shelf yesterday, one had slipped out and the back corner had hit me just below my eyebrow. It really hurt but I remember thinking how glad I was that it had not hit me in my eye. I think it is the first time I have really had one.

Sandy had a coupon for a nursery set up in the parking lot of Kowalskis that she brought along for me so we shopped there first. I got rather carried away, but got a huge, beautiful hanging Geranium, some Gerber daisies for a pot by the patio door, a few more small pot geraniums, and some daisies for one of the pots to be on my bedroom deck. Sometimes, my choices are influenced with flowers that I want to use for notepaper.

I kept my grocery shopping reasonable for a change. Then, we had a Mex lunch in the area. Even with drinks, it was a quite inexpensive. I have more leftovers that I'll even finish.

Our last stop was at "Wild Birds Unlimited." In Hudson. Lately, I have been interested in having a feeder in the patio outside the living room as I don't spend a lot of time at my desk where I eat and watch my other feeding station. I am on the bird store's mailing list and was very sad to hear that after 5 years they are not renewing their connection and are giving up. I had planned to just get an inexpensive with two arms post hanger some place and a couple of feeders. My front feeder is an APS (advanced pole system) of a heavy pole with things you can add to it. We "invested" in one well over 10 years old and it has been successful. Now. I will have a complete set up back there, too. The good part is that it is squirrel-proof. Sometime, when Charlie is in town with a little time, it will be set up. The store also has cute bird earrings, so I added to my collection of them. I had a lot of fun spending money for some things that I hope to enjoy for a long time. The other good thing: in the news letter there was a 20% off coupon.

Bill Fendrich and I had been enjoying catching up via e-mail. I wondered why I hadn't heard from him in a couple of weeks. Today I received in the mail a letter from him and 4 pages of printout from his attempts to send to me -- all of them rejected. A sample: ATTENTION Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its delivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in section labeled: "---- The following addresses had permanent fatal; errors ---".

The reason your mail in being returned to you is listed in the section labeled: "----- Transcript of Session follows ----"

This is just a small sampling of all the pages. All I could suggest tonight was to send him an email, then have him "reply" and "send." I doubt if it will make a difference, but just a chance. Any suggestions?


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