Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Moving in Circles


River Falls weather is proving to be a pretty accurate predictor of ours a few days later. It did indeed cool down last night, and was downright crisp this morning, blue skies and all. No smoke! It was so lovely as I was walking several loads of flattened boxes to the curb for recycling that I decided to walk around the circle a couple of times to have some Moving in May minutes to post to the FL site. Incredibly beautiful day, and perfectly still in the neighborhood-- no dogs, no machinery, no cars even. If it were like that every day, I would so be into a daily walk.

Good thing I did it when I did, though. I'd opened some windows to let some of the nice air in the house, only to realize an hour later that the house smelled like... smoke. Sure enough, the wind apparently shifted, and the sunlight had turned red-- looked like sunset at 4:00 PM. We need rain! I'm hoping that your unexpected shower today will translate into a soaking downpour here.

Supposed to get quite cool tonight. Probably the last of the good sleeping weather for the season. Hope I'm wrong.

Didn't make it up before 9:00 this morning, but at least it was by 10:00. Barely. Bill was late getting out the door to work, so my backup alarm, his shower, failed to do its thing. Will try again tomorrow. Got the floors and carpets done, and three loads of wash, including towels. Had hoped to spend 15 minutes on the the pantry shelves and another in the Great Room, but didn't happen. I did do Kelly's kitchen mission for today though: I looked up-- saw tons of cobwebs near the ceiling. Got my long handled acrylic duster-thingy and they are gone.

The chicken dish I made tonight was not very successful-- even the cat turned up her nose at it. The sides were strictly desperation as well. I did not finish shopping Sunday, and didn't get out today to get the things I needed. Tomorrow is the normal errand day, so with any luck I'll get the rest of the cook-week back on track.

Bill has a meeting in Orlando on Friday. He hasn't decided whether to go down Thursday night or to get up at the crack on Friday and drive down during morning rush hour. If it were me, there'd be no decision to be made: I'd be down there for a Thursday overnight in a heartbeat. I despise the stress of an early morning dash. Guess that's part of the Soares gene set. If he does go down the night before, I might go along. It's a short enough trip (less than 24 hours) that the cat would be okay on her own at home.

Time to go play Barmaid. Down to the last lime, so each round, the slice gets a big smaller. I now buy limes by the bag, and used every one this time, a first.



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