Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

11.V.07 - MoM

My Saturday TV watching does not include as much news as during the week so I am not current on what your smoke conditions are, Suzy. I hope that the worst is over. Our dry weather continues and we were in the low 70s today. Early this morning, with a summer nightgown and the winter down comforter, I was actually cold so put on a flannel granny gown and turned on the mattress pad for a little while. Might just be my old age metabolism acting up.

I managed a token (15 min.) baby step in my bedroom today -- a small box to sort and found a fun DoD picture. I must learn how to add such things to the blog. I also had to take time to do a couple of things that I hate -- cutting my fingernails and the worst -- cutting my toenails. Both are so tough that they are very hard to cut even with the heavy duty toenail snipper. This time, I soaked my feet and hands first (not at the same time) and it was a little easier. Hard to twist my old bones to get them to the proper level to cut. It was time again to put color on my toenails. Will probably have to redo them as the nail polish I came up with was getting thick and dry. I know I am too old to wear thong sandals in summer. However, my feet are not gnarly so I am going to be comfortable. Unless, it gets too hot, I may wear my FL shoes around the house but currently, my feet are so happy to be let out in the open air again.

I am so looking forward to the new camera. When I see something like the indigo bunting at the feeder (as I did today), it is too tiny to see in a picture without a zoom.

With this good sleeping temp, I am looking forward to bed. However, as it is not a good radio night, in case I am not sleeping, I will hope for the best if it is a sleepless night.

* * * * *

This is a continuation of a letter from Saalfelden to Sandy and Bob, on 6.I.07 about the pie crust disaster, etc.

Rosie's pie crust recipe was for 2 cups of flour to ¾ cups of shortening. I researched many cookbooks and thought I was really going to have a winner even tho that was more shortening that the rest called for. What a disaster!!!! There was no way I could get it to roll out without going into a jillion pieces and if it stuck, even the tiniest bit did frequently. Finally pressed the pieces into a pan. The top was made of many slightly larger than dollar sized pieces laid on. However, the taste was good. After we had some, DoD suggested that I servs the rest to the Wontrobas. Perhaps, if I dish it up where they can't see it and cover it with ice cream, I can get by. I have several batches of cookies that I made and decorated a little that I can serve, too, and then perhaps a dish of candy and some nuts will take care of things. I am sure I told you that she never eats anything until Herr Wontroba has tasted it and told her she would like it. She does have some stomach problems and has to watch her diet. It does not extend to sweets, however. I never have good luck with piecrusts unless I make the cream cheese-butter crust and that is not the best for pies. Yesterday, I swore that was going to be my last attempt, but today I am ready to consider trying again, but think I will go back to trying again with the mixer. It could not be a worse mess than this. [I did start making them with my mixer and they were excellent. The mixer I bought there was the Canadian equivalent of the Kitchen Aid, and I loved it. Of course, I had to leave it behind due to the current difference.]

DoD got quite excited about the workbench that Susie's first husband bought for their 14 year old son. It was delivered here by furniture movers and they assembled it after Christmas in the kitchen downstairs. It is really a nice one. They will need the movers to take it back to Salzburg again. Now, DoD wants to rent the garage (Herr Wontroba told him that she is planning to try to lease it this month) so as to have a shop area and a place for the car he keeps telling me he is going to get one of these days. The garage is detached and has heat, too. I think now he will try first renting a car from time to time as there is a place in town. I am still far from thrilled about being in a car over here. When I see the 100 car crashes in fog on TV and hear of 22 people on just an ordinary weekend being killed in Austria alone, I prefer to take my chances on the train. It would not be all that practical to have a car as most people, unless they need them to get to work, leave them in the garage most of the winter and the mountain weather is undependable for travel. To me it is like the burden and expense of having a camper that you only use from time to time. I think he talks a lot about having a car as he knows how against it I am and he would probably not rush out and buy one even if I suggested we do it. We are still in a grey area about our tax liability here and that could be a factor, too.

As soon as we have had the Wontrobas we can take down the tree and undecorated the house. People put their trees up at Christmas and leave them up until after Three King's Day. The tree is still beautiful and has hardly shed a needle. Last year we bought one that was dry to start with and was a real "Charlie Brown Tree" before we took it down. I hope that once I get the Christmas stuff out of the way, I will get back to cleaning house every day like I did for so long. Have really been goofing off with that lately. It does not show that much, but hate to get out of the good habits as I know how fast I can slide back to my sloppy ways. Almost end of page, so happy belated and thanks for sending People. I figure 1 to 2 months depending on the whim of the post office and the slow boat around the world to get here. Keep in touch.


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