Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, May 11, 2007

A far from dull day!

11.V.07 - MoM

After the e-mails this morning, I heard more numbers for your fires, today. I was wondering if you had thought of "masks" yet, then I saw some people wearing them.

I wrote to you about how nice the air was around here. I was surprised when Charlie called about noon to see if I smelled the smoke in the air. My worn out old nose isn't as keen as theirs are but I could see some "smaze." It seems that the smoke of the Boundary Waters, near Ely, MN, is drifting this way. (Tonight Sandy said it was really smoky there.)

I started the day on a happy note as I saw a male oriole at the new feeder this morning. However, there weren’t a lot of other birds today.

I was at my computer, sitting in my chair in the living room when I heard a loud crash. It sounded as if it came from the outside wall of the living room. I couldn't find anything amiss on that north wall and decided something had fallen on the roof outside. The path up to a spot where I could check it is not safe for me anymore, so I put it out of my mind. Later, coming back thru the dining room, something looked strange. The noise I had heard was the frame of one of the large pictures of Mystic, CN., hanging on the wall, had come unglued and it had crashed to the floor breaking the glass.

Still later in the afternoon, I got an au gratin potato ball out of the freezer for dinner. Since I had forgotten how long to cook them, I went back to the freezer "room" to get the instructions I hang on the side with a magnet. It wasn't one that was hanging there so I noticed a black square on the floor (I didn't have the light on) reached down to pick it up and my fingers grazed a little fur -- OOPS! that was a piece of sticky stuff that had caught a MOUSE! I think I remember now that Charlie put one there. I put a planter lid over it and I hope my "keepers" will take care of it this when they come by this weekend. I might be able to manage to get it outside and throw it in the woods.

I ate well tonight -- I have had a large lobster tail in the kitchen freezer for a reasonable length of time so I quick thawed it and had it with the potato "ball." I consider the large can of V8 my day's veggie.

With the things weird stuff today, I hope it wasn't a jinxed day -- I finally ordered a new Olympus camera from Amazon. Of course, the last one I bought from a catalog (Herrington). That one was way more expensive. The zoom in my current one has given up and I really miss that.

I still found a little time this afternoon to empty a couple of little boxes of junk in my bedroom and have some more open floor space. I like to go in once in a while to look at it. I just have to remind myself that, even though what is left looks insurmountable, I have made a lot of progress.

It has been a long day with no time for naps. I started the day early, so off to bed.


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