Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mom's Day



What a great image! Three Moms and four daughters. I love it! Mom-- look what you started! :-) And I think having this be an annual celebration is a swell idea. Nice of Nate to think of it.

Julia, I have to ask, what's with the Cal sweatshirt? Something Sandy brought you back from a recent visit? I so rarely see anyone besides myself wearing the blue and gold.

Mom, you mentioned Ben's bed-- did I miss something? Do tell.

The strangest thing happened today. Large globules of water fell from the sky! First just a few big ones just kicking up a lot of dust (we've seen these before) but they just kept coming and coming, and ... pretty soon everything was WET outside, and the frogs were screaming in ecstasy, and even some otherwise sedate people were tempted to get out of their cars and dance around in the Home Depot parking lot, had they not been restrained by their more sensible companions.

Yeah, it rained today. Probably enough to wash the soot out of the air locally, possibly enough to at least slow down the fires. But not nearly enough to revive the parched and dying landscape. A number of days like today will be required before things get back to swampy normal here. But it was wonderful. The drive from the Tower/Archer Road Publix home was crazy and scary, but hard not to rejoice at the same time. We need this rain so bad.

We were out in search of filters for the AC, as the smoke has overwhelmed ours, and we're out of backups. Glad he was driving in the driving rain instead of me.

Food shopping with Bill is always such a treat, as we come home with the strangest things: Newman-O's (Paul Newman Oreo cookies) and Natural Cheetos (the very definition of oxymoron). He picked out the sushi, and spotted some frozen bacon wrapped scallops, so the two of them made up tonight's main course. I let him pick out vegetables; he chose carrots and Brussels sprouts. Made Sandy's Carrots as a side, and since I had to have something green, I sliced some tomatoes and sprinkled them with olive oil, Kasseri cheese and parsley. Pretty strange meal! The scallops were fine, although the "fancy wooden picks" burned under the broiler. Now I want to try wrapping scallops in bacon myself and see how that goes.

Clean sheets tonight. Yay, me, getting the routine Sunday Blessing done. Kitchen is at the ready, sink shined. Now to enjoy more of the last 100 pages or so of Sense and Sensibility for the


And then to bed. G'nite.


And if you are still reading, a bonus track:

The highlight of the trip to the Tower/Archer Publix was finally finding Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream ice cream.

And a confession that Jane Fonda's appearance last week has warped my inner world-- a whole new meaning for the lyric "You known you want to do the Jane Fonda."

Oh, I do.


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