Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Good hosting by Nate and Marty!

13.V.07 - MoM

Today was delightful. Marty had a "Mother's Day brunch with very good food, and Champagne. Nate suggested that she should make it an annual happening, and we all agreed.

Ben's bed is great. Nice to have the open space open under it. He goes up and down that ladder full speed. His memory is really something else. I don't remember hearing a little kit who could talk that fast.

When school is out Julia is going to copy my 2500 iPhoto pictures to CDs. I am always afraid my computer will crash and I'll lose all of them. I have lost many from my earlier ones. I should try to edit them, but when I have tried, it has taken me an inordinate amount of time to get rid of just a few. The program is running so slow, it takes forever to do anything with them. My camera is also running very slow. I ordered the new one last Friday and I am sorry now I didn't pay to put it on fast delivery, although they are usually good about getting things out quickly.

Sandy and Charlie came by on the way this morning. They set up the deck fountain. It is going to need a little more work on the top basin that isn't keeping its water regurgitating. Tomorrow, it's back to my bedroom mission, I hope. And, I also want to pot a few of the flowers I bought on my last shopping trip.

I didn't take my walker today and got along fine without it. Even before I broke my hip, I needed an arm to get up their first outdoor step as it is not a normal height. The inside steps I tromped right up like a "normal" person, today.

I haven't had any news on your fires since about 9:30 a.m., so haven't heard the latest about them. I had heard about the closing of a couple of highways in Florida yesterday, but on Sunday afternoon, my usual news programs aren't on. I will catch up again tomorrow.

I am very sleepy and since I was awake a lot during the night. I am going to try to get to bed early tonight. It's time I found a new closing line of my blogs. Tomorrow, I am going to start doing this earlier so I can copy from the Europe letters, or find some more "daily" stuff. Will be turning up more as I continue to work on my bedroom.


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