Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



I broke down and watched Sense & Sensibility on videotape this afternoon. The only working VCR is built in to the little kitchen TV, so I sat in the kitchen and watched it, an odd experience. It was good to see it so soon after reading the book-- easy to compare, and see what a good job Emma Thompson did with the screenplay. Obviously a lot had to be left out to keep it at 2 hours, but I found the only omission I thought seriously damaged the story was Willoughby's explanation of his behavior to Elinor while Marianne was ailing. His character was incomprehensible without that.

Anyway, it was very enjoyable. Took a break about halfway through to swiffer the floors (a token Blessing), but other than the usual daily routines, did not do much.

Made crab cakes for dinner. They turned out well, held together and looked pretty-- they just didn't taste all that good to me. Undoubtedly it had to do with the inferior pasturized crab. I think next time I will try some frozen Dungeness and see if that works better. Steamed Brussels sprouts with pecans was the side. Watched baseball while doing the boring food prep (B. sprouts and fresh bread crumbs, etc.) and ended up watching the Marlins whump the Pirates, which was fun.

Plan is to go into the Lib tomorrow, after having skipped a whole week. Hope I can pick up the threads again. Part of the problem is I'm not sure where we should go from here, and there is a lack of focus and direction at present. Working so little, I'm not in a position to provide it, really. They should have a new Chair of that department soon, and perhaps that will help.

I need to start a crock pot before leaving, so that will make for a hurried morning. If I can just get up at a decent hour, it's entirely do-able. But that's a very big If.

Anyone out there Twitter? I just set up an account today. Not much fun without some Twitter-pals.

Speaking of twittering, seems to me like you see lots of neat birds, Mom. I would love nothing better than to see a real Oriole! We see cardinals frequently (they're hard to miss) but not much else. Of course, we don't put anything out to encourage them, either.

Enjoyed Chris' letter about the bowling statistics. He certainly was/is the Uber-Geek-- all those details for each and every frame! I hope Kay's procedure went okay and has good results.

Gonna read for a bit then bag it.


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